48 Views Created 10 years ago By Mayo Clinic • Updated about a year ago

Created By Mayo Clinic • Updated about a year ago

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Violinist Still Making Music After DBS Surgery - Mayo Clinic

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"The major challenge in implanting the electrodes for deep brain stimulation is that the electrodes must be placed with extraordinary precision. Even for those conditions where the operation is common the electrodes sometimes get fractionally misplaced, and in Frisch's case the tremors were so slight that identifying the source was even harder.

"The surgeons at the Mayo clinic where the electrodes were implanted decided they needed Frisch awake and performing during the operation so they could see when they had reached the part of the brain causing the tremors. Engineer Kevin Bennet designed a violin Frisch could play during the operation, including an accelerometer that allowed the medical team to detect whether the slightest tremors were occurring."


You may have heard the story of a professional musician who played the violin while having brain surgery at Mayo Clinic. That journey started back in 2009. A surgical team implanted electrodes into his brain to stop a tremor that could have ended his career.

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