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Disney General

Last posted 10 years ago. Added 11 years ago
59 posts from 15 users

With the ever rising popularity of Frozen, the nostalgic love of the classics, and the many, many plans for movies to come, I only feel it suitable to make a thread to discuss, speculate, and geek out over it all.
I particularly would love to talk about the movies that Disney has planned for the future. Here, have a video listing of movies that Disney has planned all the way up to 2018

Video is from way back in August, so there may be officially released information that wasn't mentioned in the video.

I personally am very excited about the Jack and the Beanstalk movie, Moana, and the antro movie. It's been a very long time since Disney has done a movie with no human characters, I am very interested to see where that goes.

@Preston: No kidding, he was able to bring Disney out of it's decline in popularity from the 2000s and the films being produced in the 2010s have all been fantastic

@Joe: There is confirmation of a Wreck-It Ralph sequel although sadly no release date. Apparently it's going to have much more world building, which excites the hell out of me. The first movie didn't show many locations, but the ones that they did show were probably the best part of the movie.

I should have thought of this before. A lot more practical than a thread for only one movie.

This page has a nice future going for it.

Random things to enhance-ify thread

After I saw The Black Cauldron and reading information about it, I can easily see why people either like or don't like it. But one thing I always hoped for is that Disney would do a live action adaptation of the series that The Black Cauldron originated from: The Chronicles of Prydain series. They were able to pull it off with Narnia, and they still have the rights to the series. That way they should be able to put more story into those films than what they did before with The Black Cauldron.

Just giving my honest opinion here.

I think it's just sad knowing that Disney won't make any traditional animated movie anymore. Hell, the last one I saw from Disney was Atlantis, which was really good. Now they turn themselves to computer animation. Don't get me wrong, I still like Disney because they still make some heartwarming movies.

aje_gile wrote:

Just giving my honest opinion here.

I think it's just sad knowing that Disney won't make any traditional animated movie anymore. Hell, the last one I saw from Disney was Atlantis, which was really good. Now they turn themselves to computer animation. Don't get me wrong, I still like Disney because they still make some heartwarming movies.

It is very unfortunate, but sadly just as Shrek convinced Dreamworks that they should only do CG animation (even though their 2D animated movies have been some of the most gorgeous movies I have ever seen. Seriously, go watch The Prince of Egypt and Road to El Dorado.), the lack of popularity of Princess and the Frog followed by the booming popularity of Tangled has convinced Disney that they should stick to CG as well. Still, as much as both studios say they will never do 2D again, I don't trust that they will be true to their word. Remember when Disney said Rapunzel would be the last Disney Princess? Yeah, they followed through with that really well. Many art schools still teach 2D animation as a part of their animation department, and many CG movies still start with hand drawn character designs, storyboards, and animation tests (which make all the difference in the world when it comes to making the animation feel much more natural). Not to mention there have been rumors of a new 2D animated movie from Dreamworks for years. 2D animation in movies may be gone now, but I have a feeling that like a phoenix it will rise again.

2D animation will never fully go away. it's a medium, not a genre, which people tend to forget. there are still clear advantages that 2D has over aspects of CG and vice versa, as i've mentioned in a pervious thread (if i'm thinking correctly, this may have been on a different site). one clear advantage which it has is the ability to play around with more art styles and variation than CG.

aaaand, there's still the very exciting world of hybrid animation and "painterly CG", which blends the best of 2D and CG animation. Paperman was a hybrid between 2D and CG, and Disney is planning on utilizing more of that style of animation. PIXAR also recently showed off a new way to do textures on their 3D models that lends more to a painterly feel by animating the scene first and then having an artist paint over certain keyframes which would then be used to determine the texture for the rest of the animation. it's not pure 2D animation, but it produces a very nice effect.

as for Frozen, if we're talking about Frozen, it's not that good. it's enjoyable for what it is, but it suffers from terrible pacing issues and lack of proper buildup for certain scenes. the movie is being built up by reviewers and fans as being more than it really is. i mean, seriously, people are calling it the best Disney movie since Lion King? :/// i don't think so.

EDIT: i will say one thing tho, Frozen has made me more excited for Big Hero 6 and Zootopia.

Last edited 11 years ago

I don't really care if things are 2D or not, as long as it looks good and the plot is good.

I think it should be mixed in my opinion. Disney made four CG movies in a row, all big hits (Tangled, Brave, Wreck it Ralph, Frozen), so it's just about time they make a 2D one. Who knows?

@Young Dragoon: I've been hearing rumors here and there of Disney making full-length movies using the CG-2D hybrid, and if that is something that ends up actually happening I will be immensely pleased.

As for your opinions on Frozen, I'm gonna have to completely disagree with you on the whole "it's not that good" stance. I will agree the pacing got pretty off near the third act, which is something that could have easily been remedied if they took out the songs by Olaf and the trolls that literally brought the plot to a screeching halt, and the ending was a teensy bit rushed, but if I were to say that was enough to make me fall out of love with the movie and all that it accomplished I would be telling a big fat fucking lie. I could just feel the love and hard work put into this movie radiating off the screen as I watched it, and no matter how many times I see it I can't lose that giddy excitement I get from watching. It's also easy for me to say it's better than the Lion King because, frankly, I don't get why people love that movie so god damn much. I like the movie, I enjoyed it growing up, but it has never been anywhere near one of my favorites, and I'm starting to get a little annoyed by everyone setting it as the one true Disney movie that every other Disney animated movie must compete with. But I guess I'm pretty much alone on that stance.

@Samuel: Technically, Brave is a Pixar movie, and they always use CG, so yeah.

So, this is Disneys next animated film, Big Hero 6. It marks the first time Disney is using a Marvel license for an animated theatrical film.

This is concept art for the movie.

@Crimson Locks

Oops! It's hard to tell nowadays. The line between Pixar and normal Disney animation is getting so blurred nowadays. When I saw "Wreck it Ralph", I swore it was Pixar, but I soon learned that it wasn't. I then proceeded to "WHAAAAAAAT?!" Brave is practically a princess movie, yet it was made by Pixar.

These are strange times…

Talk about strange times, there's practically a complete role reversal between Disney and Pixar from the 2000s. Disney is the one pumping out the awesome movies and now it's Pixar bringing out the "meh" stuff. I don't wanna say it's the end for Pixar, but Brave was ok, all the Cars sequels and spinoffs reek of selling out, Monsters University seems to be hit or miss depending on who you ask, and my hopes aren't that high for Finding Dory.

@Crimson cocks

I completely agree. Pixar just isn't really doing as good as they used to while Disney is pumping out excellent movie after excellent movie. I really couldn't care less for the finding dory movie but I am really excited for the Big Hero 6 movie, partly because of Disney's and Pixar's current track record, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't also because its Japanese influence.

Silhouettes of the character designs from the movie.

Also, first look

Last edited 11 years ago

So if you guys haven't checked out the disneyanimation youtube channel, you should. They have lots of random clips like the one above, plus a ton of frozen stuff they've posted recently, and really technical stuff like this:

Also, back to films, I really, really liked the short Paperman. I bought the mp3 off amazon I liked it so much. Anyone else like it or see it?

@Cute master: Paperman was probably my favorite part about seeing Wreck-It Ralph. I love Wreck-It Ralph, but I could easily watch Paperman on a 2 hour loop and be just as satisfied. Going back to Disney vs Pixar, I find it interesting that Disney has started doing animated shorts before the movie when that used to be exclusively Pixar's thing. I haven't seen a Pixar movie in theaters for a while, do they still do their own animated shorts in the beginning?

Speaking of animated shorts, what did you guys think of the Mickey Mouse short they had before Frozen? Personally, I thought it was just ok. I like the concept of taking the old and putting it with the new and 4th wall breaking galore, but in the end they took the same gag and did it over and over and over again to the point that I was just waiting for the thing to end. The one gag I did like though was the anonymous cell phone owner calling his stolen phone and yelled "Give me back my phone!"

I actually missed half of the mickey short before frozen because I was getting concessions, but I pretty much liked it. The on-screen screen fit right into the theater setting I was in, although I wasn't watching in 3D and it felt like some of the effects were aimed at the 3D viewers. A pretty good short though.

As far as Pixar shorts though, lets see…

Brave had "La Luna" which was pretty cool. It felt more like a homage to dreamworks with it's animation style and the whole moon setting and all. They even had the crescent shaped moon at the end. The dad kinda felt like the dad from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs though.

Monsters U had "The Blue Umbrella" which was kinda like Paperman in a way, but a more realistic animation with a stronger focus on the music. Everything in the city was moving with the music and honestly I didn't realize it was at all animated until at least a minute into the film. The real and animated blended together so well. Here's a shot from it:

And here's some fan art of a Paperman/BU crossover because apparently other people thought they matched up really well too.

And lastly there was "Day and Night" which I'm hoping/guessing you've seen because it was before Toy Story 3. It was an anthropomorphic interpretation of the two using visual onomonopias to describe the scenes/story.

Planes wasn't a Pixar film, so it didn't get a Pixar short, and Cars 2 didn't have one as far as I can recall.

Reposting this Frozen remix from the Frozen thread as well as this one TheLivingTombstone just posted:

Let It Go (The Living Tombstone Remix)

Last edited 11 years ago

Interesting thought:

Listen closely to the lyrics of the intro song to Frozen, Frozen Heart. (Good song by the way. It's pretty underrated. I like it just as much as, if not more than "Let It Go". It was a perfect intro to the film and felt very "Disney-ish". I knew I would love the movie when I first heard it)


_Born of cold and winter air
And mountain rain combining…
This icy force both foul and fair
Has a frozen heart worth mining

So cut through the heart, cold and clear
Strike for love and strike for fear
See the beauty, sharp and sheer
Split the ice apart!
And break the frozen heart

Hyup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!
Hyup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!


Ice has a magic, can't be controlled.
Stronger than one! Stronger than ten!
Stronger than a hundred men!


Born of cold and winter air
And mountain rain combining!
This icy force both foul and fair
Has a frozen heart worth mining!

Cut through the heart, cold and clear!
Strike for love and strike for fear!
There's beauty and there's danger here
Split the ice apart!
Beware the frozen heart._

Notice the symbolism? It's talking about "love and fear" and a "frozen heart". The ice miners are referring to the ice they are picking away at, but it carries a lot more meaning when you see the rest of the movie and is obvious foreshadowing.

@Samuel: Don't mean to harsh your buzz, but I thought the symbolism was pretty obvious? I do love this song too, and I think it was a clever way to open the movie. What's funny is the song could apply to a lot of the characters in this movie, even though it is obviously supposed to apply to Elsa the most

Crimson Locks wrote:

@Samuel: Don't mean to harsh your buzz, but I thought the symbolism was pretty obvious? I do love this song too, and I think it was a clever way to open the movie. What's funny is the song could apply to a lot of the characters in this movie, even though it is obviously supposed to apply to Elsa the most

Yeah, it is pretty obvious, but I didn't notice while watching the movie. I only realized it after listening to the bare song.

I dunno, I just thought it would be news for some. You're the Disney Queen though, so it's hard to surprise you on this topic. I mean that in the most affectionate way possible.

Slutty Sam wrote:

Yeah, it is pretty obvious, but I didn't notice while watching the movie. I only realized it after listening to the bare song.

I dunno, I just thought it would be news for some. You're the Disney Queen though, so it's hard to surprise you on this topic. I mean that in the most affectionate way possible.

Don't worry, I take that with as the best compliment.

And it's true, some things that seem obvious to some fly over others heads. I didn't catch the symbolism until second viewing, but then again I almost never keep my eye out for things like that upon the first viewing of a movie.

I'm surprised no one's mentioned Disney buying out Star Wars. A lot of people are worried that the new films are going to be terrible, but I have faith in Disney. Even if they turn out to suck, I'll just be glad to see something Star Wars related that isn't a stupid Kinect game. Seriously, it's been years since anything good has come out that's Star Wars related in any medium.

Chickenhound the Cruel wrote:

>No Redwall movie.

My tears of rage is unending.

It's not Disney. Although I'll admit I had too look it up because I didn't even know what Redwall was.

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

It's not Disney. Although I'll admit I had too look it up because I didn't even know what Redwall was.

Leave me and my shattered fandom be.

[tries to hold back painful but yet delicious tears]


Wow! It looks amazing! And guess what!

It's FREE!!!

That's right folks! Just click that button right up there and you get an amazing Disney flick for free!
(Okay, so I don't know if it really is amazing or not, but this looks really cool and that trailer music is amazing! I'll report tomorrow after I've watched it.)

Edit: You can also explore this awesome site that Google and Disney put up for the movie. It's in HTML5, so it's pretty fancy.

Last edited 11 years ago

Flare Boost wrote:

I'm surprised no one's mentioned Disney buying out Star Wars. A lot of people are worried that the new films are going to be terrible, but I have faith in Disney. Even if they turn out to suck, I'll just be glad to see something Star Wars related that isn't a stupid Kinect game. Seriously, it's been years since anything good has come out that's Star Wars related in any medium.

One thing a lot of people fear is that the new Star Wars Battlefront will be bad due to its publisher being EA.

Couldn't decide if I should post this in the Frozen General or just let that one die…anyways!

This is less than 48 hours old and already has almost 2 million views!

Last edited 11 years ago

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

Couldn't decide if I should post this in the Frozen General or just let that one die…anyways!

This is less than 48 hours old and already has almost 2 million views!

Let that one die. I made it and I already regret that thing. Just keep all Frozen posts to this, along with other Disney stuff.

As I said on the other thread, this is a masterpiece!

Well, I was trying to get it to be front paged. It's getting views and becoming popular, so that means more pageviews for us. It's already at 9 million views, which means we're way late in the news game. Most everyone who's going to see it, has seen it at this point. Sure, it may get another 3 million or 10 million, but most of those people who will view it won't come from "the internet" and thus wont come to KYM to view it.

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

Shots Fired!

She's right, you don't need a man, but is it wrong to want to be with one?

Dac wrote:

She's right, you don't need a man, but is it wrong to want to be with one?

Don't you know, Dac? Being with a man stunts any chance you've ever had of following your dreams, hobbies, and career. Once you're with a man all your allowed to do is sit inside and look pretty. Working wife? Puh-lease.

I can't wait! I saw 1 about a thousand times because my brother was 5 when it came out. I can't wait to see what they do with this next one! It looks really good!

I got so excited because I read this article, but then after some fact checking, I found out it was a fake from April Fools last year. Too bad. I'm sure that film would have made millions. lol. There were apparently talks that she was going to star in a RL action film of Beauty and The Beast, but alas, it looks like that fell apart as well.

The Cute Master :3 wrote:

I can't wait! I saw 1 about a thousand times because my brother was 5 when it came out. I can't wait to see what they do with this next one! It looks really good!

I saw 1 a thousand times because, well, It's a really fuckin good movie. And so far the only movie I see as being worth watching in 3D. I plan on seeing this one upon midnight release (do they do those for kids movies?) and I hope they have one of those events where you can see the first and the second movie in a row

Crimson Locks wrote:

I saw 1 a thousand times because, well, It's a really fuckin good movie. And so far the only movie I see as being worth watching in 3D. I plan on seeing this one upon midnight release (do they do those for kids movies?) and I hope they have one of those events where you can see the first and the second movie in a row

Idk. I think they did that with Toy Story and Frozen, but I'm not sure if they'll consider it big enough to do one. Usually if the target audience is under age, they won't even have a showing past 7 or 8. I know this because I keep trying to see the Lego Movie and they don't have anything past 7:30 where I live. >.<


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