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What are your opinions on Encyclopedia Dramatica?

Last posted 8 years ago. Added 8 years ago
39 posts from 33 users

Just like Kiwi Farms, it's a website dedicated to serving a cyberbullying and ableist agenda behind "satire." If you do something to piss off certain Internet groups such as the alt-right, then you're very likely to get an ED entry on you which includes private information.

Last edited 8 years ago

It's amusing to see former KYM members and others make an ass of themselves there.

All I know is that legendary eypic wyn thread was one of the most funniest most heart pounding thing ive ever read.

He tried fucking with and out shit posting professional shit posters and they fucking attacked him like a pack of hungry lions. It was like watching a guy driving into on coming traffic and getting into a 20 person car wreck. Like this dudes Season 1 Yamaha trying to take on the whole Ginyu force with final form Freeza. Like this nigga challenged Kaiba to a game of dual monsters with 9 winked up poker cards and a posted note.

Oh man, can we just unban him already? You can't even deny that he lead to some of the best threads on this whole site

Last edited 8 years ago

It's funny from time to time but also really disgusting and toxic. They try to come off as somehow superior in their articles but you can smell the butthurt just from reading through them. They're also kinda tryhards when it comes to being edgy

chowzburgerz wrote:

Just like Kiwi Farms, it's a website dedicated to serving a cyberbullying and ableist agenda behind "satire." If you do something to piss off certain Internet groups such as the alt-right, then you're very likely to get an ED entry on you which includes private information.

>Go to ED
>get offended by cyberbullying and ableism
>see that ED has link to safe space for offended people at the top of the page
>click link
>see cute animals
>scroll down more and see the horrors of mankind

In my opinion ED's a pretty good site(if you have adblock). You gotta have a sense of dark humor for it. Like others have said, it's interesting to see some of KYM's users make fool's of themselves in their forums.

Personally, I have mixed feelings to the page in general. Although some articles have some good information to some theme and they make fun of "infamous" e-celebs, they are very toxic and crazy at best, that some users make the same antics like kiwifarms, doesn't help that the majority of them were /b/tards .

If you look past the satire, the porn and the gore. You can actually find some interesting articles there. I believe that they even exceed our website in documenting internet drama. (propably because they cause half of them but that's not the point)

Last edited 8 years ago

I honestly can't tell if they mock things they hate or if they ironically mock things they like. Either way, it's lousy comedy.

Pretty neutral overall. The porn and gore images can be offputting but the drama articles are surprisingly insightful, a lot of times more so than KYM's own, since they don't care about decorum or pissing off people.

>ableist agenda

If I can recall, you did mentioned that you have Aspergers if I'm correct? I'm an autist like you, and I don't even give a shit anymore. However, you do have a point. I did saw a couple of examples they've done dickish shit like giving out Tara Strong's dox for instance. Regardless, it is one of my favorite sites to go for the lulz.

Last edited 8 years ago

It's a bad place to go if KYM bans you.

Some of their articles are funny, but most of the time you have to either know about the topic target already or appreciate internet drama. Otherwise it's just a lot of repetitive jokes about jews and other edgy humor.

Some of the articles are enjoyable, depending on what you like yourself. Just be warned that nothing is sacred there, everything is fair game to them. I don't think I've found 1 article that's held something in a positive light on that site.

On a more meta level I think's an appropriate place to go to learn more "unfiltered" information about internet drama. Primarily because they don't give a shit what you think otherwise.

It's really just an archive of old 2006 'chan culture, but that era is long gone and the site really doesn't serve any more purpose tbh. It's funny at times but it's kind of archaic, made unnecessary by other websites and really not to be taken seriously.
As it is today, it's best used as a place to nostalgia about old memes and internet culture.

I find it funny that some users go over there to make complete asses of themselves. Aside from that I generally think the sites okay I just wouldn't frequent it or use it in public.

Last edited 8 years ago

Back in the day, before i joined KYM, i thought ED was the funniest shit ever. I was a teenager so my taste in humor involved shock images, making people feel bad about themselves, and calling everyone I didn't like a fag, definitely not one the proudest era's of my life. Even made an account and tried to edit some stuff there, but i sucked at it and got chewed out by a dude, so i stopped. Never really did much with the account except make like, 3 edits to a page.

But after a while i grew up and realized the place was toxic and immature. Some of the pages can be funny from time to time, but its best not to take the place seriously, at all. Overall my opinion of ED at this point is just meh.

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It's like visiting a huge farm full of lolcows.

Speaking of lolcows, I remember a long time ago when a certain lolcow found me posting images of a certain reply girl he's white knighting and stalks me with illegal bots to vote everything down. I ask for help and they send Verbose to solve the problem. Unfortunately it got a lot worse when he was more of a butthole than a mod, threatening to ban me for more than a week if I even made one comment to the lolcow.

Luckily some members of ED found the lolcow and he pretty much close his account and went back into hiding.

I think it's chan culture at it's worst. It's the equivalent of edgy 15 year old /b/tards s**tposting shock images all day which is essentially how it started IIRC. I mean I'm all for dark humor but ED goes way too far.

For a site that puts a focus on writing their articles with truckloads of satire and an unique style of writing, their information on memes is… suprisingly accurate. I respect that much at least, but for the rest yeah as long as you can enjoy it go ahead but if it's not up your ally then steer away.

Overall, I'm neutral to ED. It does help to have things like adblock but in terms of content, it sort of has some entertainment value but the site is literally NSFW. Some things could come across as black comedy but there are things that can definitely turn a person away. The things they have there are definitely edgy and the humor is more or less something that can fade away. I did like how they were fair game in mocking anything (think along the lines of South Park mocking both Catholicism with the pedophilia scandals and atheism with those thinking the world would be better off without religion). Even then, that gets side-tracked by the fact that even if one can stomach the articles there, the quality can literally be shit and the site itself are full of dicks, even though said dicks are brazen and could be the kind that don't care.

It's basically the website equivalent of Sturgeon's law. Sure, ninety percent of the articles are edgy tryhard crap, but the ten percent that aren't are really fun to read.

Gabenus Trollucus wrote:

It's like visiting a huge farm full of lolcows.

Speaking of lolcows, I remember a long time ago when a certain lolcow found me posting images of a certain reply girl he's white knighting and stalks me with illegal bots to vote everything down. I ask for help and they send Verbose to solve the problem. Unfortunately it got a lot worse when he was more of a butthole than a mod, threatening to ban me for more than a week if I even made one comment to the lolcow.

Luckily some members of ED found the lolcow and he pretty much close his account and went back into hiding.

Don't think I forgot the shit you caused, and don't you dare to shove the blame on Verbose. Seems a week was mild on our side.

A site that really helps me realize my level of dark humor; just about the shade of black. Yeah, it's essentially public domain cyber bullying articles laced with crass and tasteless humor. Do I like it? I shouldn't, but I can't deny that the website is fairly entertaining when you allow it to entertain the dark side of your sense of humor.

RandomMan wrote:

Don't think I forgot the shit you caused, and don't you dare to shove the blame on Verbose. Seems a week was mild on our side.


Nevermind… I think I'll look at the latest lolcows.

RandomMan wrote:

Don't think I forgot the shit you caused, and don't you dare to shove the blame on Verbose. Seems a week was mild on our side.

Okay, I feel rather out of the loop here. What's KiwiFarms?

Luigifan wrote:

Okay, I feel rather out of the loop here. What's KiwiFarms?

It used to be a site primarily used to research and have discussions about lolcows. Most prominently it used to be the old CWCki forums, but was renamed Kiwi Farms because notorious autist Christian Weston Chandler couldn't pronouce "quick-ie for-ums" and instead said it as "Kiwi Farms." It quickly became a meme and was renamed Kiwi Farms.

Recently it was shut down because someone threatened the site owner's family or something like that.

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

It used to be a site primarily used to research and have discussions about lolcows. Most prominently it used to be the old CWCki forums, but was renamed Kiwi Farms because notorious autist Christian Weston Chandler couldn't pronouce "quick-ie for-ums" and instead said it as "Kiwi Farms." It quickly became a meme and was renamed Kiwi Farms.

Recently it was shut down because someone threatened the site owner's family or something like that.

…threats to the family. Ugh. It's disgusting how readily people will resort to that.

Then again, as a biologist, I can certainly see how it would be effective. Family is the one thing you can be sure a person will give a f*** about.

Colonial2.1 wrote:

Didn't it get reopened?

Also, from what I've seen, even the lolfarmers are pitying CWC.

No, the original site's gone. However, a new one actually called the CWCki forums I believe has basically taken it's place.

Colonial2.1 wrote:

Didn't it get reopened?

Also, from what I've seen, even the lolfarmers are pitying CWC.

Yes, the site reopened on February 10th.

Tyranid Warrior #1024649049375 wrote:

No, the original site's gone. However, a new one actually called the CWCki forums I believe has basically taken it's place.

Kiwi Farms is back. Has been since around the beginning of February. The other CWCki type of forum you may be thinking of is CWCki Club which isn't trying to be a "Kiwi Farms" 2.0 in any shape or form.


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