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HL3 meme is dead

Last posted Sep 03, 2017 at 04:22PM EDT. Added Aug 25, 2017 at 01:17AM EDT
18 posts from 14 users

pinkiespy - goat spy wrote:

Never said I didn't.
At this point Valve is worse than Bioware at endings, because at least Bioware stories end, even if that involves random party wipes or space children.

Valve has said time and again that HL3 was only meant to be a conclusion to the current story arc, not the series as a whole. This ending was meant to leave open the possibility for future Half-Life games.

I'm surprised the meme (the disappointment and anger) died out so quickly, considering how big of a meme HL3/Episode 3 was. It died as fast as Mighty No. 9 and the backlash to it did; I think it actually died even faster, which is possibly really sad. It's actually pretty frustrating, considering how that meme was beaten to death to hell and back by gamers everywhere. I thought the backlash was gonna last for weeks or even a few months.

Last edited Sep 02, 2017 at 12:27PM EDT

Colonel Dude wrote:

I'm surprised the meme (the disappointment and anger) died out so quickly, considering how big of a meme HL3/Episode 3 was. It died as fast as Mighty No. 9 and the backlash to it did; I think it actually died even faster, which is possibly really sad. It's actually pretty frustrating, considering how that meme was beaten to death to hell and back by gamers everywhere. I thought the backlash was gonna last for weeks or even a few months.

I think everyone, deep down in their hearts, knew HL3 was never happening, but the lack of any word kept a twinge of hope in all of our hearts. This merely confirmed what we already knew and snuffed out that last twinge of hope, making people mad at first but then freeing them from that false hope and allowing everyone to move on.

It's been ten years, even the hype for Half-Life has died down significantly, the "HL3 Confirmed" meme is probably the only reason HL3 was on anyone's mind at all after all this time. Without that meme, Half-Life would have been another beloved, but dead franchise people would have moved on from a long time ago.

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

I think everyone, deep down in their hearts, knew HL3 was never happening, but the lack of any word kept a twinge of hope in all of our hearts. This merely confirmed what we already knew and snuffed out that last twinge of hope, making people mad at first but then freeing them from that false hope and allowing everyone to move on.

It's been ten years, even the hype for Half-Life has died down significantly, the "HL3 Confirmed" meme is probably the only reason HL3 was on anyone's mind at all after all this time. Without that meme, Half-Life would have been another beloved, but dead franchise people would have moved on from a long time ago.

And good riddance for that. I've always found the cynicism of the gaming community annoying (though not unjustified), yet they always talked about how great Valve was despite not releasing any games for years (yeah, Steam is great and all, but come on),, and would circlejerk constantly, defending them from anyone calling them out. Sure, they'd talk about how terrible the gaming industry is for their practices, but Valve doesn't release any games for years? "Eh, they're Valve! We'll always love them… right?"

I am still happy to see it die off, and people actually angrily demand Valve release another game (that's actually good, unlike Artifact), even if it doesn't amount to much. It's the effort that matters,

Hey, if fans make their own version of Half-Life 3, I'm fine with that.

Evilthing wrote:

So another meme that ended quicker than it started. Just like Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar meme.

the HL3 meme has lasted years
that meme lasted like, a month at best

I'm usually shit at comparisons myself but considering how long people have waited for the game and how long people wanted a conclusion for a story that they jokingly stated how everything was pointing to the game, it's dumb to say the meme ended 'quickly', it's like saying a guy that is buried out in a hole with no food, water or way to get out died 'quickly'

Colonel Dude wrote:

And good riddance for that. I've always found the cynicism of the gaming community annoying (though not unjustified), yet they always talked about how great Valve was despite not releasing any games for years (yeah, Steam is great and all, but come on),, and would circlejerk constantly, defending them from anyone calling them out. Sure, they'd talk about how terrible the gaming industry is for their practices, but Valve doesn't release any games for years? "Eh, they're Valve! We'll always love them… right?"

I am still happy to see it die off, and people actually angrily demand Valve release another game (that's actually good, unlike Artifact), even if it doesn't amount to much. It's the effort that matters,

Hey, if fans make their own version of Half-Life 3, I'm fine with that.

yea, I'm angered at all the gamer politics/cynicism. I'm just sort of a 'shut up, stop getting triggered, I don't care about whatever personal practices or dipshit you have, just fucking enjoy the game', I don't give a fuck about farcry but the [thankfully short lived] controversy about it being a game where you shoot neo-confederates and the westboro baptist church, and people being angry about it because it attacked 'muh merica' when if anything the game is attacking people who are corrupting our nation, and debatably christianity's values for the sake of power.

aside from that, I honestly can no longer consider myself a PC Gamer or at least a valve fan, PC Master Race Circlejerkers are always talking about 'muh graphics' and 'muh better games' when at the same time graphics don't 100% make a game good[which any gamer with common sense should know] and when you look to all the crap that's released on greenlight steam pretty much has as much shovelware & bullshit as say, The Wii & Xbox, it's no different.

I Still mainly use The PC, And Yes, The PC is on a purely objective and factual basis, better because of the higher graphics and things you can do with it due to more space. but hey, would ya rather play Super Mario 64 or Bad Rats? I'd pick the former personally.

Considering that Crash Bandicoot recently managed to reboot itself while Gabe Newell is too busy getting fatter in his snack room and snorting crack with the money he got from valve fanboys & indie games he taxed Wolf of Wall Street Style to produce anything better than a shitty card game, I think it should go to show about the true nature of the 'Master Race'

Just wanted to ramble for a bit about this, Just a disillusioned former PC Gamer here spewing shit.


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