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Did you know I created "YOU DON'T SAY?" meme?

Last posted May 17, 2012 at 11:08AM EDT. Added May 17, 2012 at 09:56AM EDT
11 posts from 8 users

You probably won't believe me but it's true.
If you actually READ about the meme, then you should see that it was made by a user named "LeechHax" on Reddit. That user is me. And I can prove it by sending you a message on Reddit (If you have an account).

So, is this going to be an AMA, or are you just aiming for pointless attention?
I mean, as a creator of a meme (if you can confirm it) you could provide us with some interesting information, but otherwise not sure where this thread is going.

Last edited May 17, 2012 at 10:43AM EDT

Sorry to sound like a douche, but what's the point of this thread? Even if you are the creator, what do you want us to do? Pat you on the back and tell you did a good job? Even if you did create it, all you accomplish was an image macro and sadly not really worth anything than a simple nod of acknowledgement.

Last edited May 17, 2012 at 10:39AM EDT

Crusty wrote:

You probably won't believe me but it's true.
If you actually READ about the meme, then you should see that it was made by a user named "LeechHax" on Reddit. That user is me. And I can prove it by sending you a message on Reddit (If you have an account).

You should.. umm .. sue kym or something?

User Name wrote:

This guy apparently vectorised the original image. With you.


I still find that hard to believe. He uploaded a vid for creating rage faces like that, but that vid doesn't use Nic Cage. Plus we can't believe something just because he said so.

They both need to show us some evidence first. We can't go trust people on their words alone.

Edit: We already confirmed OP's claim 5 months ago. See this thread.

So my bad on that part. But still, this thread is pointless and obvious attention whoring. What he tried to tell us was already confirmed back then. There is no reason to tell us again.

Nonetheless, nice one OP. We don't often have creators of memes posting here.

Last edited May 17, 2012 at 11:14AM EDT

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