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You are the opposite sex for 24 hours

Last posted Jul 30, 2012 at 08:56PM EDT. Added Jul 26, 2012 at 11:37PM EDT
66 posts from 47 users

OmniXVII wrote:

Psh, well that's a given!
What do you do after you've explored yourself?

Put on all my sisters clothing and see if it fits.

Fuck with my friends by flirting with them and then having mean butt sex and oral and vaginal and I'll do all kinds of shit. Then I'll be like " ha! It's me, you're a homersexual! Lol mad troll"
Fucking brilliant!

Well, first off, I'd probably look like this:

My next course of action would be to find my sister and ask her if she decided to pull a prank on me again. If she did, proceed to do the same to her. If not, go downstairs, drink every last drop of coffee we have, and go on a caffine rush rocking in the corner crying "Its just a dream its just a dream its just a dream" for a few hours. After that go out and try out my new bits and pieces. After all, I've only got a day.

I would get a condom and see how much i can put in it, and use my Vag like an extra pocket. Other than that, all the given stuff, explore myself, go on Facebook and post about how all guys are dicks even though I'm too popular to talk to the ugly guys that have hearts of gold because I'm too good for them, spam how ugly I am so I can rake in compliments, talk about how all girls are beautiful whilst calling other girls ugly, you know, what girls on Facebook do today.
Then I will go on an adventure, but not a cool adventure like guys do. A girly adventure, like wearing kooky socks, or going to the grocery store.

Zarathh wrote:

Go in the women's bathroom. I've always heard wonderful tales about them.

Pfft. Only difference is the can of air freshener in the corner of the stall and a little steel box on the wall for "feminine hygiene products." Not that anyone actually uses those. They just flush everything down the toilet and clog it up for the male janitor to deal with.

Zarathh wrote:

Go in the women's bathroom. I've always heard wonderful tales about them.


At last, using my new feminine disguise I will finally be able to infiltrate that secret haven known as the Girls Bathroom and discover what Women have been hiding there all this time.

I'll be able to learn why they spend so much time in there, what they plot, what they stash, what magical paradimensional realm exist within…

[opens door]

…what?…what the hell is this?

This sucks. I miss my dick already.


That actually an interesting idea. Should try that as well before the day ends. I imagine that going like this:

  • Blue Screen (Of Death) has joined the game

  • [VOICE] Blue Screen (Of Death): Hi guys! I'm a girl!

  • killa69: ZOMG! FEMAEL!

  • leetsnipor: ASL??

  • Blue Screen (Of Death) fragged leetsnipor

  • munkihax: tits or gtfo

  • penus: thars a girl? whaer?

  • Blue Screen (Of Death) fragged penus

  • Blue Screen (Of Death): Here

  • penus: OMGWTFGIRL

  • leetsnipor: ASL??

  • killer70: girl?

  • Blue Screen (Of Death) fragged killer70

  • uberkillorz71: whos a girl?

  • Blue Screen (Of Death) fragged uberkillorz71

  • godtodahsniperrifle: show us yur tits

  • leetsnipor: ASL PLZ????

  • Blue Screen (Of Death) fragged godtodahsniperrifle

  • Blue Screen (Of Death) fragged leetsnipor

  • sniperkillermasta101: I THINK A LOV YOU!

  • Blue Screen (Of Death) fragged sniperkillermasta101


  • Blue Screen (Of Death) fragged penus




Are you sure that would work?

Last edited Jul 27, 2012 at 03:46AM EDT


Please excuse me while i smack my tits.

Thats a bad idea bro. Getting hit in the bewbs is more or less the female parallel to a nut shot.

Of course I've never seen a girl puke from getting punched in boobs but im sure it still hurts like a bitch.

Last edited Jul 27, 2012 at 07:59AM EDT

404 user not found wrote:

Thats a bad idea bro. Getting hit in the bewbs is more or less the female parallel to a nut shot.

Of course I've never seen a girl puke from getting punched in boobs but im sure it still hurts like a bitch.

Woah bud! While I'm sure it does hurt if they are hit there hard, nothing is a sensitive as testicles. If they were as sensitive, no way could girls play sports or do any activity really.

Dac wrote:

Woah bud! While I'm sure it does hurt if they are hit there hard, nothing is a sensitive as testicles. If they were as sensitive, no way could girls play sports or do any activity really.

Cuz you know, i clearly didnt already make the point that its not nearly as bad as getting hit in the nuts in my post, making your comment redundant.

404 user not found wrote:

Cuz you know, i clearly didnt already make the point that its not nearly as bad as getting hit in the nuts in my post, making your comment redundant.

But you said it was more or less the equivelant when its not even close.Girls can get bumped in the boob with no problem and I'm sure they could smack them a bit with out to much pain, a guy couldn't even lightly flick his balls.

Last edited Jul 27, 2012 at 12:43PM EDT

Dac wrote:

But you said it was more or less the equivelant when its not even close.Girls can get bumped in the boob with no problem and I'm sure they could smack them a bit with out to much pain, a guy couldn't even lightly flick his balls.

i also said i've never seen a girl puke from being punched in the bewbs.

If i was a girl i would probably do what i normally do… Its not like being a girl would suddenly change every facet of my personality, and its not like id be that fascinated with "exploring my body" past the point passing curiosity about my new bits.

Last edited Jul 27, 2012 at 01:17PM EDT

1. Be your opposite sex for 24 hours.
2. Get a doctor to do transgender surgery.
3. Wait for the remaining minutes and hours.
4. Change back into your original sex, but you are now your opposite due to the transgender surgery.


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