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Deactivation and banning

Last posted Sep 30, 2013 at 03:14AM EDT. Added Sep 30, 2013 at 01:43AM EDT
4 posts from 2 users

Someone fill me in on how the ban systems and deactivation work?

Is deactivation_, when someone shuts down their own account? Does it deactivate at a timeout?
I've seen a few people that were banned, their posts where still there, then there is a someone I've heard of, that made quite an impression on this site, zipperbars was it?
I've searched for his/her comments, to no avail…I've heard of zipperbar's interest in TF2… (_still nothing
I'm a little unclear on how some things work on this site, if someone could clear them out…

Last edited Sep 30, 2013 at 01:52AM EDT

Previous Thread

I said:

"If I am not mistaken… When these are put in place of a users title:

Banned: Permanently Banned from the website.
Suspended: Temporary Ban, the person’s account will be reactivated in a week or so.
Deactivated: The owner of the account has shut down their own account for personal reasons and does not wish to use the site again. This can be undone at the discretion of the Admins (and Database Mods if I am not mistaken).

There is also an Anti-Spam Ban that erases all the posts and threads created by the Spam Bot. Of course though, this renders it’s title invisible so I don’t know what it’s called."

Then Random Man said:

"-the delete-all ban is the same as the regular ban but the only difference that all their contributions get hidden/removed (excluding entries and threads, those still need to be manually deleted). This is proven by visiting their profile afterwards, which shows their title being “Banned”."

Last edited Sep 30, 2013 at 02:07AM EDT

No, this does not happen. Deactivation must be performed manually via the owner of the account. Reactivation is only done at the discretion of the Admins/Database Mods, so it would put a giant load of work on them if auto deactivation was a thing.


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