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Pokemon is for kids

Last posted Jan 27, 2017 at 02:02PM EST. Added Jan 15, 2017 at 04:24AM EST
39 posts from 32 users

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WHy do people still play Pokemon? You`re a grown up, grow up. Do adult things like work, read, and discuss politics. DOn`t do some childish stuff like play pokemon. What are you a 5 year old?

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I concur. I used to play Pokemon but now I`m an adult and have grown out of that phase. I find those people who still play pokemon cringing. Like holy shit, grow the fuck up. DO you even have a job?

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Samesies. Pokemon is so last decade. This is 2017, not 1999. Those who play Pokemon should just stop. Like Just stop and get out of your ass and work

Beatrice Santello wrote:

Nice maymay. Requesting lock.

Dunno. I think it could either be taken to RR (but that would just be for kicks), or we could change it into a light-hearted conversation about Pokemon being for kids (or games for kids being played by people who aren't "kids.")

I'm not opposed to a lock though.
I think Pokemon is directed towards kids, but I don't think it is only for kids. The games usually give you plenty of tutorials and hints as to where to go next. Pokemon is not meant to be incredibly difficult or profound. Perhaps we can see this even more in the latest generation of mainline games where even the puzzles and mazes are nearly nonexistent. The most labyrinthine maze at any part of the game was in Vast Poni Canyon where you're making your way to the climax of the action in the game, and the most difficult puzzles in the game involve moving 1 or 2 blocks to move through one room in the few Tapu chambers (and I think all of them are optional in completing the game.)

Beyond that, the humor is not particularly complicated nor is the writing particularly tragic or heavy. It's meant so that the lowest common denominator will understand and appreciate it most.

But if you enjoy something, and a large group of people at your stage of life and development appreciate it, then it's not just for kids. At best, it's a criticism of geek culture who plays and/or appreciates culture well into adult geeks. You would have to say that the geeks who play and enjoy Pokemon for what it is are somehow stunted.

(…that may or may not be true, tbh, but ultimately, we're still contributing to society in positive ways. And even if we weren't, enjoying Pokemon isn't what's preventing us from being productive members of society.)

Last edited Jan 15, 2017 at 11:21AM EST

@Verbose: Pokemon, despite its simplicity, has a lot of depth for those who want it.

Anyways, I am an adherent to the idea of letting people enjoy things. I find things "cringey", and embarrassing, and stupid. Should that, though, have me belittle others from doing it? I mean, if they aren't stopping other people from enjoying things, why not? What's the reason behind telling someone "lol you like X? that's so cringey and cancerous hahaha"? I don't see any.

Last edited Jan 15, 2017 at 12:45PM EST

I share a similar sentiment with Verbose. OP failed, and maybe some discussion will happen. I'm kind of against sending it to RR, as then it'll just be a lolcow session

If all that happens here is "haha stupid troll" then yeah, the thread is worthless.

Last edited Jan 15, 2017 at 01:38PM EST

Mom Rivers wrote:

I share a similar sentiment with Verbose. OP failed, and maybe some discussion will happen. I'm kind of against sending it to RR, as then it'll just be a lolcow session

If all that happens here is "haha stupid troll" then yeah, the thread is worthless.

This thread is worthless. It's actually related to the Pokemon downvote bombings I told you about a while ago. It looks like the culprit decided to reveal himself after his cover was blown. Check the PM I sent you a while back for more context about this.

Last edited Jan 15, 2017 at 03:07PM EST
Check the PM I sent you a while back for more context about this.


Sorry, around that time I was away from KYM and got like, 20 PMs. I didn't get around to all of them.

I actually don't think it's related though. These accounts were made recently. In fact, they are alts of another account I suspended last night.

There were only 3 alts made recently that we found. The most downvoted image you provided had like, 16 downvotes. I don't think they're related. I'll look more into it, though.

Since I did learn they are alts used for trolling, I'll lock the thread.

Last edited Jan 15, 2017 at 03:11PM EST

I'm gonna run with the RR option (it was lolcow from the get go), see how it flows, and then move it to Memeory Lane to show my grandkids someday.

Edit: For those that saw hope in the topic, have this thread.

Last edited Jan 15, 2017 at 03:48PM EST

>Created multiple alts to downvote bomb Lopunny images
>Downvote bombed the entire first page of the comments for the Pokemon entry
>Left multiple comments on how "people who play Pokemon are manchildren"
>Replied to himself with his alts and upvoted himself (using his alts and vice versa) in attempt to push his one man army agenda

>you will never see dildo shwaggins full profile pic

Here you go:

Last edited Jan 15, 2017 at 11:58PM EST

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