
11 Distressing Memes From The Depths Of Reddit

Two distressing memes in the following collection.
Two distressing memes in the following collection.

Published December 06, 2022

Published December 06, 2022

Lately, distressing memes have been growing more popular on Reddit. These memes are pretty different from the norm. They're not really that funny, for one. Instead, they're pretty cursed. Some are based on history, some are based on primal fears and others are just plain concerning.

Hopefully, the people who made these memes are okay. There seems to be something about scary and creepy content that keeps people entertained, even though it doesn't make sense that we would seek out things that are clearly meant to freak us out. There are so many of us who do, however, and it's gotten to the point where a whole subreddit has been created and seen significant spikes in popularity lately: /r/distressingmemes. This sub is home to the most distressing memes around. Here are just 11 from this month.

Yeah, I'll Take the Low Sodium One

(Source: Reddit)

Too Late, It's Getting Inside

(Source: Reddit)

Who Comes Up With This Stuff?

(Source: Reddit)

Seriously, are you guys okay? Why are you making these memes? Where do these concepts come from? Are you psychopaths?

Thanks For This

(Source: Reddit)

Here's a great image to think about.

Alright Then

(Source: Reddit)

It's Getting Cold Out There

(Source: Reddit)

No Thank You

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks Big Money Dog!

(Source: Reddit)

Very informative, thank you!

Chemical Reaction

(Source: Reddit)

Letting Go

(Source: Reddit)

You’re So Silly, Mr. Fluffles

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: distressing, distressing memes, cursed images, cursed memes, cursed, scary, scary memes, /r/distressingmemes, reddit, collections,