
20 Karens From The Dark Side Of Social Media

Two karens in the following collection
Two karens in the following collection

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

By now, you've certainly heard of Karens and perhaps encountered one or two in real life. Karens are here to make life worse for everyone else around them, and they've certainly succeeded in many ways. From casual racism or homophobia to just making life more difficult for every retail or food service employee they encounter, Karens are too much for the rest of society to handle, and they don't seem to put any energy towards how much they annoy everyone else in the world.

Karens don't care about the rest of society. They're even convinced the term "Karen" is a racial slur towards white women (it's not). It seems like there's just no escaping them. We can't go through a day without stumbling upon some petty complaint on Facebook. Karens are truly an unstoppable force, something that's become so confusing, frustrating and somehow entertaining that we just can't stop staring at them from afar. We've gathered some of the most annoying Karens and Karen-related nuisances out there for you to "enjoy." Good luck.

That’s What Happens When You Order 10 Mins Before Closing

Parking Horizontally to Block the Other Charging Spaces

Christmas Skeletons

Speeding Firetruck

Fast Passes for Coffee to Thank Them for Their Service

Branding Cactuses at the Botanical Garden

Don’t Do It

Evil Stepmom

Karen vs. Karen

I Wonder Who Found This Offensive

A Strategy to Deal With Karens

Seems Like an Overreaction to Me

The Lunch Rush

Donut Smell

I don't know what kind of evil human being complains about the amazing smell of donuts being made, and I hope to never meet someone like this.

This Review on a Small Family-Run Coffee Shop

The person who found this review clarified that the family who owns the coffee shop does not "hate white people."

Karen Caught Lying

Weekend at Bernie’s

What Exactly Is a “Woke-Looking Staff?”

How Is This the K-Mart Employees’ Fault?

Parking Police

Tags: karen, karens, karen memes, facebook, mildly infuriating, collections,