20 Venn Diagram Memes Making Unusual Comparisons

Venn diagrams began as a useful professional tool for people to compare and contrast two topics. They've been used in schools as a teaching tool for years. At some point though, Venn diagrams and parodies of them became a popular and comedic meme template that originated in the mid-2000s. Venn diagram parodies are so popular due to their unexpected and eye-opening comparisons between two or more things, people, games or acts. It is truly incredible how individuals' minds can pull such accurate but random similarities between totally unrelated topics.
While this meme is not new in origin, it has recently resurfaced, especially on Twitter, and it is revealing brand-new takes on a variety of topics. Here we have collected 20 recent and shocking Venn diagrams created by some brilliant minds. They will make you wonder how in the world someone came upon these realizations.
Worlds Collide
(Source: Reddit)
Cats and Printers
Tell Me Why
(Source: Reddit)
This Is a Big One
(Source: Reddit)
Clowns, Pirates and Magicians
Brits vs Ants
(Source: Reddit)
Happiness is Not Pants
(Source: Reddit)
Bread Unites
Interesting Take
(Source: Reddit)
Checks Out
(Source: Reddit)
Mr. Burns
(Source: Reddit)
Babies, Idiots, and Stoners
(Source: Reddit)
Sadly Accurate
(Source: Reddit)
Vin Diagram
(Source: Reddit)
The Last of Us, Coachella, Mario Kart
(Source: Reddit)
Beer's Law
(Source: Twitter)