Left: a crypto meme comparing the old days to nowadays, 
Right: a bitcoin meme joking about the demise of fiat currency.

10 Bitcoin Memes For These Dipped Days

The cryptocurrency markets may not be doing so well right now, with many reveling in the schadenfreude of watching cryptocurrency investors lose their shirts. But we already knew the market was capricious. Over at Reddit’s r/bitcoinmemes, memers are holding on and posting through the madness, commiserating and encouraging one another. Whether you hold Bitcoin (in the terminology of the community, “hodl” bitcoin) or not, these memes may offer you some moments of entertainment.

It’s possible that, contrary to what people were telling us, cryptocurrency is not the future of finance, but it may well be the future of memery. Amid what feels like an endless rain of NFTs new coins and bizarre ventures that may or may not be scams, we need memes to ground us and remind us of what we really might want out of this new economy.

The Regulatory Gray Area

Tax office when you buy bitcoin Your risk Tax office when you take profit "Our profit"

(Source: Reddit)

Diamond Hands

Dad, our Bitcoin account is worth $1M now - can we get a place to live instead of this park bench? No, son. You never actually SPEND the Bitcoin. You just HODL the Bitcoin

(Source: Reddit)

Diamond hands aren't just for when it's bad, they're for when it's good and you want to let go but shouldn't.

Rapid Changes

Nurse: Sir, you've been in a coma for 9 seconds Me: Oh boy I can't wait to see how much my bitcoin is worth

(Source: Reddit)

It dips up, it dips down… the volatility is the name of the game.

Doing The Research

It's a new decentralized currency. Hey derp, have you heard about Bitcoin? It's immune to inflation and seizure. And you can send it to anyone in the No, what is that? planet for nearly nothing. Hmmm... *friend *me It's deflationary by design, meaning its price will only go up. Google: Bitcoin price That can't be right. Mt. Gox (USD) MOTHER OF GOD... Aux , 2013- Dty 200K I Mean Pace: 10.19 UTC - htte tecnchats com 11 180K 10 100K 1408 120K 100K 0OK 20K OK Aug 10 Sep Ost Nov Jan 1 tor Alright, I think it wouldn't hurt to invest part of my savings in Bitcoin. Just lemme grab my wallet... MINUTES LATER... ZIN It wasn't that hard! Let's check the price again. I must be rich by now. 6 MONTHS LATER. Mt. Gox (USD) 4K Aug 02, 2013 - Daly Medan Frice:5.135 UTC - hittp kilcorcharts.com 30 400K O vo 69 1SK 23 350K 26 24 22 20 250K 18 16 200K 14 12 150K 10 SOK "Jun 11 Jul Sep Oct De Jan 12 FFFFFFF FFFFFFF| FFFFFF FFFUU UUUU UUUU UUUU UUUU UUUU-

(Source: Reddit)

Knowing the bitcoin means doing the research.

Reminder To Future Self


(Source: Reddit)

He cannot be trusted.

Poor Coin

They don't know BTC dropped below 40,000 today

(Source: Reddit)

Do They Be Like?


(Source: Reddit)

Easy Hodl

(Source: Reddit)

Not Liquid Enough To Buy Liquid

Guy: I have $1 million in Bitcoins Girl: Wow wanna buy us some drinks? Guy: Oh, no I don't have any real money @gucci.gameboy gettyimages Hybrid Images

(Source: Reddit)

This wealth may not be real, but the numbers do get bigger.

How Times Change

Crypto then "We solved the Byzantine General's Problem and created a global decentralized currency" Crypto now "Coin has dog?"

(Source: Reddit)

There has been a lot of change over time in crypto spaces, bringing wild transformation. We're not how we used to be.

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