10 Memes About Biden's Speech And Its Bizarre Background

President Joe Biden wasn't always known for his memes. In fact, for a while, we didn't have many Biden memes at all. But that all changed when Dark Brandon started up as a parody of let's go Brandon that was eventually reclaimed by Biden fans. Dark Brandon shows the president in a more sinister light, making him look like a mysterious and overpowered figure. And that perception has strengthened ever since he gave his Soul of the Nation speech on September 1st.
This speech took place in front of a bright red background, which looked like it more appropriately belonged in Star Wars or some facist regime. To make matters worse, some news outlets recognized this and decided to recolor it so everything in the background was a sinister hot pink color, because they thought viewers would find this less threatening. It didn't work. Here are some of our favorite new memes about the now-infamous speech.
The Emporer
Lots of people are drawing comparisons between Biden and Emporer Palpatine thanks to this speech.
Everyone’s Confused
It doesn't matter where you stand on the political compass. We're all weirded out by this.
The Best Use of This Meme I’ve Seen
"Kramer, what's going on in there?" is a popular three-panel meme that shows a strange red glow coming from Kramer's apartment.