Two pizza crimes in the following collection.

10 Pizza Crimes That Earned A Jail Sentence

Pizza is obviously a popular food. It is a simple dish to some. But it is also a delicate, well thought-out and flavorful dish to others. Some people and some countries take great pride in their pizzas, from the way they're designed to the flavours of the pizza, and most importantly the toppings on top of the pizza. For example, one of the most popular debates about pizza, and in fact about food, is the infamous pineapple on pizza debate.

The battle lines are simple for this controversy — you are on one side, and you absolutely hate and disagree with the other side. The arguments for both sides are strong, and have resulted in many memes, but pineapple on pizza is a crime for many. We have collected some other pizza crimes that have been shared online for you to judge, and all of them are far worse than pineapple on pizza. Do these deserve the punishment of going to pizza jail?

Where's the basil?

(Source: Reddit)

According to the original poster, they ordered a Margherita pizza. But the pizza appears to be very light on basil, and there's something just…wrong looking about it.

Why blue?

(Source: Reddit)

What is that?

(Source: Reddit)

Subway is a fast food company known for their subs. And this picture proves that they should stay out of the pizza market.

Definitely a pizza crime

kellyshmo @KellyShmo My sister sent a picture from the "American Food" section in a grocery store in Switzerland. AKTION DrOetker OUR ORIGINAL PIZZABURGER -Hot Dog- Special 23UKGER/BURGERS

(Source: Reddit)

Way too much crust


(Source: Reddit)

There are people out there who don't eat the crust of their pizzas. If they came across this pizza, they would've hardly eaten anything.


(Source: Reddit)

Gone too far

(Source: Reddit)

What is going on with this pizza? They've completed ruined it with the amount of other random foods that have been placed on top.


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(Source: Reddit)

Artichoke pizza

(Source: Reddit)

Artichoke on pizza is debatable. But this much artichoke on pizza is definitely a crime.

Egg on top

30 Thus

(Source: Reddit)

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