10 Pride Month Memes For The Start Of June
Whether you're a member of the queer community or not, you've definitely taken note of pride month trends over the last decade. The month of June is supposed to be dedicated toward celebrating LGBTQ pride, but instead it's almost become a corporate nightmare that gets continually roasted year after year, killing the spirit of the season. In essence, companies typically change their logos to rainbow variations in order to show their support, and then the very minute pride month is over, they switch it back, as if it never existed or mattered.
Many companies have been mocked for the way they "participate" in pride month, often in a way that seems to give off "How do you do, fellow kids?" energy. There's plenty of ways to celebrate pride this month, and these memes are maybe a little too pessimistic to do this, but for all those who are tired of watching companies fail to make themselves look gay in a bizarre online display, these memes are for you. And, of course, happy pride month!
It Can Be Pretty Cringeworthy
We both hate the pride-themed publicity stunts, but for very different reasons.
Do It, We’re Begging You
"Consume our products, kiddos. We're gay too, see? We put the rainbow flag on our Twitter profile. Now, you can buy our things to celebrate."
Every June It’s the Same
I appreciate the effort, but sometimes it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Gotta Get That Money Somehow
Profiting off of pride month? No way, no company would try to do that, right?