14 Cringeworthy Memes Dug Out Of The Comedy Cemetery

There are lots of bad memes out there, but few are so devoid of humor they end up in the comedy cemetery. It's the opposite of an honor, and it's bestowed only upon the worst of the worst memes. These memes are so bad they've gone moldy and deteriorated, or they were simply such bad jokes that no one could have found them remotely funny in the first place.
Typically, memes don't have much of a lifespan before they wind up here; they were just that bad, and they didn't have the right to remain among the rest of the memes on our social media feeds. They were doomed to die from the beginning, brought into life by an unloving creator who couldn't be bothered to wonder whether or not these were good jokes; instead, he sought only likes or karma. But these memes have earned a new way to be appreciated due to their own awfulness, like they belong in a museum of failure. Thankfully, we won't let them rest in peace. For the opposite of your enjoyment, here are some of the worst new deceased memes.