
14 Moments Of Juxtaposition That Are Coincidental Perfection

Two images from r/juxtaposition
Two images from r/juxtaposition

Published August 22, 2023

Published August 22, 2023

It isn't often that things in life work out perfectly; everyone should know that by now. When things do work out, it is amazing, though, even if it's something small. Sometimes things line up just right to create a perfect moment of comedy. Juxtaposition is the occurrence of two things that were not meant to be put together ending up together to create a comical and delightful image. Sometimes it happens with advertisements, sometimes with Reddit posts, sometimes in real life.

It isn't often that it happens in such a perfect way, but when it does, it deserves to be captured and documented forever by the lucky person who stumbled across it. Luckily there is Reddit's subreddit /r/juxtaposition to act as the mass collecting place for all of the wonderful moments of juxtaposition captured for everyone to marvel at. Here are 15 of those perfectly coincidental moments and happy accidents to enjoy today.


(Source: Reddit)

The Joke and Its Explanation

(Source: Reddit)

You've Been Struck By

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This One

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Drink Water

(Source: Reddit)

A Guy Standing There

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That'll Do It

(Source: Reddit)

Q Names

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone's Yelling

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: juxtaposition, coincidence, insects, reddit, ai art, michael jackson, gaming, horror, anime, hank green, youtube, collections,