14 Of The Best New Memes From This Week, Ultra Fresh And Steaming Hot From The Oven
Every week, we browse thousands of new memes from all over the internet, uploading hundreds of the best ones we find to our website. This is a substitute for a real career in our weird lives. And we've seen so many of them that they usually blur together until we forget about them entirely, but some of them do happen to stand out among the others. These are definitively the best new memes, because amongst the piles of endless unmemorable content, these ones are the most creative, memorable and widely-shared of them all.
From them, we've picked 14 must-see images and videos posted in the last ten days to show you, so you can roll your eyes and comment "old" and "stolen" when someone reposts them. Now, you're ahead of the crowd, and you're seeing these memes before they were cool. So sit back and enjoy meme history in the making with these 14 new images.
Ayo What The Rat Doin'?
ayo what da rat doin
— kam (@kam2D) July 20, 2022
(Source: @kam2D on Twitter)
You Really Thought 💀💀💀
(Source: losergang on iFunny)
Operation 'Nier: Automata Secret Church' Was A Success
(Source: /u/Roffron on Reddit)
Mmmmm Venom
(Source: @zandercom2u on Twitter)
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