
14 People Offering Up Weird Information That Nobody Asked For

a collection of situations where people have replied with comments of information nobody asked for photos are of a woman's facebook profile that claims she has high blood pressure and a man with a T-shirt that tells people to walk away from him
a collection of situations where people have replied with comments of information nobody asked for photos are of a woman's facebook profile that claims she has high blood pressure and a man with a T-shirt that tells people to walk away from him

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Have you ever met someone who loves to overshare? Maybe they love to give information no one ever asked for or needed, or maybe they just sincerely believe you need to know this about them. The thing is, none of this is really stuff anyone would have any reason to know, but these people tend to appear randomly, often to complete strangers online, and tell them all about it. And it certainly doesn't paint a particularly positive image of these people for the rest of us. In fact, most people would be a bit concerned by some of the things we're seeing.

Vomiting information in conversation and online is truly an art form. And while no museum currently exists to showcase examples of this happening, we fortunately have the subreddit /r/NobodyAsked, which collects these moments for all to see. Below are 15 of our favorite people offering up information that absolutely nobody needed to know.

Check Out Moon+ Now Streaming

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Clarifying

(Source: Reddit)

Please Never Block This Number

(Source: Reddit)

Happy For You

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry To Hear That, Ruth

(Source: Reddit)

He's Not Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Really Relating To The Free Range Chicken Nuggets

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy Is Legit

(Source: Reddit)

Ok, But Which One?

(Source: Reddit)

When You Get A Concussion And Don't See A Doctor

(Source: Reddit)

I Want To Friend Her Immediately

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Letting Us Know You Were Born In August

(Source: Reddit)

Felt Like The Right Thing To Add

(Source: Reddit)

Come And Get It

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/nobodyasked, cats, lupus, pansexual, world of warcraft, toy store, tshirts, anger, the moon, texting, car, apartment, birthdays, robert pattinson, crayons, youtube, high blood pressure, rain, toys, collections,