Two stonks memes

14 'Stonks' Posts For 'Meme Man' Fans

Stonks. Deep down, we all know how messy the stock market is. The financial services industry is equal parts forgery, facade, and flabbergastery. But like so many things in society, it’s a scam we all find ourselves participating in, and a thing we all keep pretending matters even as we know it’s not real. As the stonk industry has gotten even more ludicrous in recent years with new additions like cryptocurrencies and NFTs, the need to recognize that ludicrousness and maintain our tenuous grip on reality becomes even more pressing.

Meme Man, arms crossed in a posture of strength with his inscrutable though vaguely happy face turned towards us in three-quarter profile (the posture traditionally used in portraits of generals, presidents, and other powerful people) reassures us. He tells us that it will all be okay. And the affirming upwards arrow that dances past the numbers behind him indicates, for sure, that the situation is well and good. Scroll through these sixteen stonk memes — your return on the investment of your time will be immense!

The Origin Story

First stonk must have been like

The Classic

Please don't do this I seriously can't live without you I didn't cheat on you 560 286 0468 2.286 14563 .12% 156 0287 WAStonks 2400M 0.1204 0.234 0.1902 NA @heckoffsupreme I didn't mean to send that.

Not Good

-2.05 16300.320 182 -0.300 40 0.890 -0.190 19.19 180-1.71 124021:200 40 10.4 9.2 3. 1.5 2,6 not stonks 3.910 -0.12 07 70 1.550 -0.122

What Does The Fox Say?

560 D.9% 0.12%g 4.286A 0.168 1.4563 2.286 156 0287 Wfonks 0 0.1204 0.234 A0.1902 N/A 02 660 21 86 0.213 10.27

Shrek (2001)

When an old lady is trying to sell you but you befriend an ogre and end up marrying a dragon Un 560 .9% 0.12% 048 .286 A 1.4563 2.286 156 0287 WAStonky N2 0.1204 0.234 0.1902 680 23 N/A


When your depression makes you sleep through meals and forget to eat but you save money on food 560 286 A O168 0.12% 2.286 14563 156 0287 WAStonks A00 0.1204 0.234 0.1902 N/A

A Misunderstanding

When the doctor gave you 3 weeks to live so you rob a bank and the judge gives you 20 years 560 .286 068 2.286 14563 .156 WALIFE SPAN .9% 0.12% 0287 0.1204 0.234 A0 100

Vroom Vroom Cars (2006)

Nobody: Cars: 560 14563 156 0287 W honks 0.1204 0.234 0.1902 N/A


When your owner forgets they already fed you so you get two breakfasts 60 286 0.168 2.28614563 156 0287 chonks 0.1 0.1204 02 0.234 NA 660 21 0.1902 .213 027

They Are Playing Chess Not Checkers

Pangea: Airline Companies: 560 % .12% 1.51 286 068 563 26 stonks wwama 2 NA 2.344

Perhaps Not Truly Stonks

When you buy a $10 scratch card and you win $5 % 560 0168 0.9% 0.12% 286 1.4563 2.286 156 0287 WAStonks A O.1204 0.234 0.1902 N/A 02 2 213

The Social Network (2011)

When your mom asks you to fix the computer, but all you had to do was to close the fourty tabs she had open O Tehc 110 40 1 1 16 11 1 10 01 0 10 11 1 LIL EC

What You Get When You Are Finally Financially Independent

560 0: BB&T 286 A 2.286 1 3 1.156 WIA 1400 0287 )) stonks VISA DEBIT 0.234 VIN

Sorry For This Nightmare Fodder

Therapist:Stonks guy looking forward Isn't real,he can't hurt you Stonks guy looking forward:

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