15 Classical Art Memes Ruining Ancient Paintings In The Funniest Ways | Know Your Meme


15 Classical Art Memes Ruining Ancient Paintings In The Funniest Ways

Two classical art memes in the following collection.
Two classical art memes in the following collection.

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

We're pretty sure this isn't what the artists wanted when they created these paintings, but of course, they're memes now. Classical art memes are some of the internet's funniest memes your history and art teachers would disapprove of. Usually, they're not mocking the art directly, but rather finding a way to tie it into our current society, so it's all guilt-free. Here are 15 of the funniest classical art memes.


(Source: Reddit)


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Mary and Jesus

(Source: Reddit)

So Terrifying

(Source: Reddit)

How Do You Say It?

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Spittin' Fire

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, I Hate It

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Ahead of His Time

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So Wholesome

(Source: Reddit)

Phones Make It So Much Easier

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

17 Feet Long

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: memes, funny, classical art memes, art, classic, art memes, niche, weird memes, weird, history, history memes, reddit, trippin through time, collections,

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