
15 Delusional Posts Found In Facebook's Mom Groups

Two images from mom groups
Two images from mom groups

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

There are a lot of social groups on Facebook. In fact, there is a group for just about anything. Any interest, hobby or criteria you may meet, there is a Facebook group that will gladly accept your membership. Mom groups are one of the more popular groups on Facebook, containing first-time and experienced moms from all necks of the woods. But some of the posts that pop up in these groups are nothing less than shocking. There are posts from moms essentially telling on themselves for the terrible things they do and how they never bring their kids to a doctor.

Everyone has their own beliefs, but man, the stuff that these moms openly say and do is next level. It is oddly entertaining, in a sort of sadistic way maybe, to see these posts. Maybe it makes everyone more grateful for not having parents quite this crazy. Maybe the shock value of it all is just that good. One way or another, Reddit has many posts from these groups for everyone to see and shake their heads at. Here are just 15 of the hundreds out there.

Standing at Two Months Is Crazy

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Seems Like a Bad Idea

(Source: Reddit)

Hey, What?

(Source: Reddit)

Detox the Child

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

No Way

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Strange First Birthday Celebration

(Source: Reddit)

Three and Crying, Weird

(Source: Reddit)

This Cannot Be Real

(Source: Reddit)

Facebook Doctors

(Source: Reddit)

Survival Skills at 14 Months

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: parenting, that happened, kids, facebook, fb, detox, school, collections,