14 'Futurama' Reboot Memes For Everyone Awaiting The Next Season

Futurama is a great show, but when a reboot was announced 2022, fans weren't immediately overjoyed. Instead, there was an overwhelming sense of disappointment in the community, since we also discovered that Bender, everyone's favorite character, won't be returning. His voice actor, John DiMaggio, was caught up in contract disputes, and for a while, Hulu hadn't changed its stance on offering him and the other actors a better deal. Fortunately, things have improved since then, and Futurama is back, but fans are still feeling very mixed emotions due to the odd nature of how the negotiations unfolded, and online, people have a lot to say about the numerous reboots of the show over the years.
From reminiscing on the supposed (and thankfully avoided) loss of Bender's true voice in what's become known as Bendergate to joking about our fears that the show will eventually lose its humor if we keep it going, we've made memes to cope. The next season is said to be coming next month, but until then, these are some of our favorite new memes to get you through this difficult time.
Approved by Your Corporate Overlords
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Hulu probably should have thought this through a little more. We still want Futurama to be Futurama.
I Bet It's Way Better
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Bender's assistance on starting his own theme park of his own with blackjack and hookers has developed into a huge meme over the years.
Fixed It
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Shut up and take my money works great her,e not just for the voice of Bender, but for everyone on staff, who DiMaggio says won't be paid enough either.
Guess Who's Back
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Moe tossing Barney out is a great format, especially when it comes to unexpected reboots.
Contract Negotiations
(Source: Reddit)
Zapp Brannigan memes are incredibly underappreciated. He's an uncomfortable character, and this format works perfectly for DiMaggio's negotiations