15 Ridiculous Products That Are Somehow For Sale
No one needed to make these. In fact, we're not sure why people even thought of these in the first place, since none of these concepts make any logical sense. Honestly, it's surprising that these products didn't get someone fired in a pitch meeting. How did that go, exactly? How did a group of people collectively sit in front of a presentation about these products and decide that yes, we do need them to be made and sold commercially? Have they ever sold a single one? Or worse, did they attempt to make them on their own, because apparently they so desperately needed these to be a thing?
Whether DIY-ed or found in a store, these things didn't need to be made, but we're almost glad they were created after all, because now we can laugh about the fact that they exist and we're not the ones losing our jobs over them. Here are some of the funniest things from Reddit's /r/ofcoursethatsathing.