
15 Memes From 'The Book Of Boba Fett'

Two Boba Fett memes in the following collection.
Two Boba Fett memes in the following collection.

Published February 17, 2022

Published February 17, 2022

Star Wars fans have a lot of shows to celebrate now that The Book of Boba Fett is out. But like all shows, this one's fairly controversial, with some fans hating it while others love the new installment. It's not unexpected that there's a lot of discourse surrounding any sort of new addition to the Star Wars universe, since this happens every time. This series tells the story of Boba Fett, or at least claims to tell the story of Boba Fett and instead focuses on a number of other characters. But that doesn't necessarily make it worse; we all love the Star Wars universe, so we've understandably got a lot to say about the way this series has unfolded. Take a look at some of the memes fans (and haters) of the show have created to honor its memory after the season finale.

Can I Get Uhhhhhh

(Source: Reddit)

Who's Joe?

(Source: Reddit)

Don't ask who Joe is. Biggest mistake ever. But if you're siblings already, doesn't that make it weird?

Change My Mind

(Source: Reddit)

Change my mind is a popular format where it's clear the meme creator's mind can't be changed. This is a fairly controversial opinion, though. What do you think?

The Will of the Force

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Like a Job for…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

She Was Right

(Source: Reddit)

Challenge Accepted

(Source: Reddit)

Our generation is full of experts in Mario Kart. Challenging them is not a smart decision.

So Pointless

(Source: Reddit)

Enough Said

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Never Sleep While You're Being Digested

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone Relates

(Source: Reddit)

The distracted boyfriend meme is a classic for a lot of reasons, and it feels especially relevant now that The Book of Boba Fett has taken over so dramatically.

Boba Fett's Just a Cameo

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Oof Stones are always a great format reminding us how excited we were about the new appearance of the Star Wars character we never expected to see.

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Tags: boba fett, book of boba fett, memes, baby yoda, grogu, star wars, prequel memes, sequel memes, star wars memes, the mandalorian, reddit, fandom, collections,

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