
15 Memes To Get Familiar With Doomer Girl

Doomer Girl explains to Tradwife she is her granddaughter, Yes Chad tries to prevent Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s death.

Doomer tries to impress Doomer Girl with his meme page, but she is not impressed.
Doomer Girl explains to Tradwife she is her granddaughter, Yes Chad tries to prevent Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s death.

Doomer tries to impress Doomer Girl with his meme page, but she is not impressed.

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

Medieval art often features the same characters over and over again: Jesus, Mary, St. Jerome, and the angel Gabriel are recurring figures, placed into new relationships across paintings, friezes, and sculptures in museums around the world. Contemporary memery also features a pantheon of familiar characters: Yes Chad, Tradwife, Doomer, and Doomer Girl, all variations of the core Wojak theme, appear across several meme formats (such as Time Travel: Is Invented). While in every meme these characters are different, there are some constants. The memes hold the unmistakable stamp of 4chan, carrying a strong whiff of misogyny — Doomer Girl and Tradwife are, more often than not, made fun of — but the characterization of Doomer Girl varies in interesting ways. She is sometimes an unattainable love interest, the voice of reason, or (in memes that mean to work against the way Doomer Girl is usually portrayed) an empowered character, taking the initiative more often than Tradwife or even Yes Chad do. Her trademark blush and Goth clothing indicate that, like Doomer, she is shy and has dark thoughts. Here’s fifteen Doomer Girl memes:

Boy Meets Girl

Girl Meets 17th Century Monarch

Calling Him Out

Doomer Boy Is OutDoomed

The Original Model

She Speaks Truth

Doomer Chungus

Reality Check

Time Machine Classic

Be Careful, Dale


Reversing The Gender Roles

I haven't hated all the same things / as somebody else since I remember

In This Starter Pack, She Doesn't Even Exist

She's Had Enough

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Tags: doomer, wojak, memes, doomer girl, tradwife, yeschad, chad, funny, comics, collections,

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