a collection of memes after Kanye West announced his presidency images are of his fans being thrown off a balcony and him declaring his presidency like Michael Scott

15 Of The Best Kanye West Memes

Welcome to the Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy of 2020, where Kanye West has now entered the presidential race for the United States of America. While Kanye fans have struggled these past several years in defending the singer and rapper's "eccentric" behavior, it's clear he remains an enigma to the American media. He's always up to something offensive and borderline concerning, and we're not sure how many people actually intend to vote for him (probably none) and put this pretty much universally disliked rapper into office.

Over the past couple years, he's been spiraling into weird controversies and tried at one point to rebrand as a Christian rapper, and frankly we're all kind of tired of his many questionable stunts getting all over our social media feeds. After he returned to Twitter and provided a memorable interview with Forbes, fans couldn't help but meme their visions for a future where Kanye wins the 2020 election. Here are 15 of our favorites.

That's What Google Is There For

Kanye after accidentally winning the elections Google What should the president do? Say "Ok Google"

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Jay-Z and Kanye The Throne

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The Best Is Yet To Come

2016 San Jose Pablo Tour rant This is the worst timę to be a Kanye West fan Kanye The worst time to be a Kanye West fan so far

(Source: Reddit)

When The Devil Tries To Break You Down

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Quite The Time To Announce A Partnership

GAP after reading Kanye's Forbes article made with mematic

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Tweet My Other Other Benz レ @XXYEEZYSZN×X As a Kanye fan, I feel like a defense attorney whose client goes around saying they're guilty. 8:24 am · 08 Jul 20 · Twitter for Android

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Same Thing

kanye: I declare myself a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE twitter: you can't just say you're running for president I didn't say it. I declared it. u/ocular-pat-down

(Source: Reddit)

Let This Be The Debate Structure

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Kanye Please

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Sign This Into Law Right Now

*Kanye's "Runaway" starts playing* #Kanye2020 10WMITATE

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It Works

Interviewer: So what's your campaign slogan? Kanye: Yes!

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Leave Him Be


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Since The Dawn Of Time

Always has been Wait, it's all Ye?

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Come On

SCHOOL RISE Kanye finally being calm ye 2922 322 Forbes interview Kanye finally being calm ye made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Wait

(Source: Reddit)

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