15 People Who Had No Idea Who They Were Talking To

We have all witnessed pretty embarrassing conversations in our lifetime, but the best happen online where individuals will attempt to correct others, while not realizing who they are speaking to. It's pretty satisfying to watch a know-it-all get shamed with some actual facts, and it's also a little sad to see how oblivious some of these people are. Apparently, so few people recognize celebrities or well-known experts in their fields. Instead, people will try just about anything to pick a fight over, and they'll make things weird in the process of doing so. Like, really weird. But at least it's satisfying for the other person to put them in their place.
Below is a list of notable people having to point out who they are, because people either fail to research who they are conversing with, or they're just blissfully unaware. Here are 15 of our favorite screenshots that are full of secondhand awkwardness, collected from the subreddit /r/DontYouKnowWhoIAm.