
15 People Who Just Couldn't Resist Posting A Pun

memes and tweets that are full of puns photos are of the change my mind campus sign asking for a brain transplant and a doctor physically drawing blood
memes and tweets that are full of puns photos are of the change my mind campus sign asking for a brain transplant and a doctor physically drawing blood

Published March 26, 2020

Published March 26, 2020

Some people enjoy stumbling across wordplay and dumb jokes, and others simply cannot stomach these types of jokes for some reason. The latter group of people have set up the subreddit /r/PunPatrol to document moments where they have found evidence of people going a little too far with their wordplay. Below are 15 of our favorites.

Finally, We Figured It Out

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Ultimate Dad Joke

(Source: Reddit)

Quite A Statement

(Source: Reddit)

This Took A Couple Of Extra Brain Cells

(Source: Reddit)

Keep Trying

(Source: Reddit)

I Wish This Is What It Meant

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

We've Got A New Name For Them

(Source: Reddit)

Glad That Relationship Is Working Out

(Source: Reddit)

Truly Love This One

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone Sure Loves Smiling In Hospitals

(Source: Reddit)

Well, This Doesn't Look Safe At All

(Source: Reddit)

When You Get So Bored In Class

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/punpatrol, puns, reddit, who, doctor, patient, blood, drawing, husky, dogs, starbucks, coffee, face mask, rare steak, spiders, web designers, pie, onions, math, collections,