a collection of historical photographs taken from different angles photos are from underneath the Eiffel Tower and Michael Richards heading onto the Seinfield set

15 Pieces Of History Photographed From Completely Different Perspectives

You have certainly seen the following people, landmarks and historical events in museums, on TV or even on posters. However, we bet you haven't seen them from different angles as captured by fans of pop culture from the subreddit /r/AlternateAngles. Below are some of our favorite images that provide a completely new take on these important people and situations.

Just Waiting For That Traffic To Slow Down

as WB

(Source: Reddit)

The Lincoln Memorial Before They Added The Fancy Reflecting Pool

(Source: Reddit)

Michael Richards Ready To Enter The Seinfeld Set

(Source: Reddit)

The Back Of The Extremely Famous Wheel From The Price Is Right


(Source: Reddit)

If Only The Front Of The Las Vegas Sign Said To "Gamble Carefully"


(Source: Reddit)

Working On The Opening Crawl For Star Wars IV

(Source: Reddit)

The Back Of The Mona Lisa


(Source: Reddit)

Mount Rushmore Needing A Cleaning

(Source: Reddit)

Definitely Forgot That Channing Tatum Was In This

(Source: Reddit)

Shooting The Very Unknown 'Bohemian Rhapsody' Music Video

(Source: Reddit)

Underneath The World's Greatest Umbrella: The Eiffel Tower

(Source: Reddit)

Jackie Kennedy Watching Her Husband Debate Richard Nixon

(Source: Reddit)

A Photo From Inside The Jail Cell From The Pirates Of The Caribbean Ride

(Source: Reddit)

Barack Obama Getting Ready For His 3D Portrait

(Source: Reddit)

All Rights Reserved Kathy Anderson

(Source: Reddit)

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