14 Times Somebody Completely Missed The Point

It seems like the online community has a ton of misunderstandings, not least when it comes to humor. When 93 percent of communication is nonverbal, there's bound to be some missed connections, right? This is what /r/woooosh specializes in. As demonstrated in some of its best recent posts, some people really can't take a joke.
The thing about /r/woooosh is that these jokes really shouldn't be that hard to decipher. In fact, they're pretty obvious. But some people seem to feel the need to explain how a joke is factually incorrect (that's the point), or they just really don't get it somehow. It's one thing when it's an obscure reference, and a completely different thing when it's a joke everyone else gets but one specific person has to call out online because it doesn't make sense to them. It's kind of awkward to watch happen. And lucky for you, you get to watch this happen twenty times. Here you go.