Two images from r/brandnewsentence

17 Brand New Sentences You've Never Read Before

Sometimes things line up and happen in such a wonderfully strange way that they create something never seen before by anyone, anywhere. A brand new sentence is a sentence that evokes such an odd reaction that there is no way anyone has ever said that before. It's always something so specific and usually super cursed. With the amount of people in the world constantly saying and typing things, it's amazing to think that anyone has an original thought anymore.

These sentences, though, will leave you surprised. Every once in a while someone out there will string together some words that no one would have thought to put together before to make something totally bewildering. If you're lucky enough to find these bizarre sentences in the wild, then that's great. If you aren't, don't worry, Reddit's /r/brandnewsentence is full of them. Here we have collected 20 brand new sentences for you to question.

New Degree Inspiration

Grandmaster Trash: Exact Trash... @ExactTrashOnly I feel like all the useful PhD topics were taken years ago but the colleges need the money so a candidate can write a thesis on the impact of yacht party dubstep on trout nightmares in the Hudson River and a professor will say yep that's totally a thing you can be a doctor about

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Ready

Actually you're the one who's... @InternetHippo It's bull it that retirement homes have a minimum age. Being old and feeble is a mindset, let me in

(Source: Reddit)

New Challenge

DISCLOSE.TV 4 MIN READ Woman Hates Selfies And Decides To Photograph Herself "Dead" All Over The World 'N i

(Source: Reddit)

A.I.'s Crazy

paige @BonerWizard I forget I'm in a Facebook group for Al art then all of a sudden I see "Children of the Bourne" 11:31 PM 23 Apr 23. 16K Views .

(Source: Reddit)

Black Cat Things

cheinsaw black cats are wonderful because you can stare into the void and not only does the void stare back, sometimes it trots up to you happily and begs for pats cheinsaw the void is loud and wants chicken

(Source: Reddit)

Who Wouldn't?

44 2m 7 Share A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to. So yes, I'd give Gandalf a ride in my 1998 Toyota Camry. +

(Source: Reddit)

Defense Mechanism

zach silberberg @zachsilberberg ... guy fieri's spiky hair might seem weird at first, until you realize it is his natural defense against getting ratatouilled in the kitchen

(Source: Reddit)


When told of Kishida attack, safety chief kept eating eel By MARI YAMAGUCHI 15 minutes ago

(Source: Reddit)

Egg Checks

sheriffsunshine: danielkanhai: i like when you're in the grocery store and you see people buying eggs because they always pick up the carton and then open it like it's a metal briefcase full of cash involved in a drug deal and they're confirming it's money. "don't bother counting it, it's all there. 12." then they always pick one up and inspect it like, "yeah, it's grade A alright...the real deal." People are checking to see if any of the eggs are cracked you walnut Source: danielkanhai

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting Measuring Method

r/theworldnews u/worldnewsbot. 16h Asteroid the size of 48 eggplants to pass Earth Tuesday - NASA

(Source: Reddit)


You may be able to just vibe without worries until you realize you have the lifespan of a gallon of milk 7t. 131 vastausta: 131 ja muita :

(Source: Reddit)

Intense Imagery

cauektulu 236d S 1 Award Dude pavloved his mind into busting to robot dolphins having a rap battle 175

(Source: Reddit)

A New Generation

the hype @TheHyyyype. 2d i'm honestly struggling to come up with a joke about this. I'm just super confused. what makes them elite? the fact that they look like nearsighted parsnips? what am i missing here The Telegraph Meet the 'elite' couples breeding to save mankind lo Dodds Mon, April 17, 2023 at 8:00 PM GMT+10 21 min read 668 1 2,026 52.8K 2.4M

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Wanna Imagine That

harley ★ @persephonetic can u imagine being pregnant and doing an ultrasound and you ask the doctor if its a boy or a girl and he says idk bro and shows you the sonogram and its just a large human foot with an umbilical cord attached to the sole and then your husband just laughs and says haha feetus 3:52 PM 24 Feb 19 Twitter for Android

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting Comparison

FOX 2 FOX 2 Detroit Something to discover 10h. × These black holes are like toddlers eating Sunday brunch - they take a few bites, then fling the remains across the galaxy, a new study has found. IN Pass the bib: Watch as study simulates black holes eating galaxy stars like messy toddlers

(Source: Reddit)

Low Maintenance Bones

Duffy @MelissatheDuffy I hate that teeth require so much specific care, the rest of my bones are so low maintenance ...

(Source: Reddit)

Butter Dogs

nick @kra mom made butter dogs again this house is a f g prison

(Source: Reddit)

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