17 Relationship Memes To Share With Your Loved One

There's no better way to show someone you really love and care about them than sending them a meme. Relationships aren't easy; they take work, but one small thing you can do to improve your loved ones day and make them feel closer to you is sending a relationship-themed meme to them. Arguably, memes are one of the best ways to convey a relatable message to someone so they too can relate to it with you. There's no better feeling than sending someone a meme and them replying with "us." I don't know what it is about that feeling, but it sure is special.
Whether you're in a relationship or just trying to navigate the dating pool, hopefully some of these memes you will be able to relate to on some level, because let's face it, dating is rough sometimes. Here is a list of 17 potentially relatable dating and relationship memes to send to your significant other (or to your homies, because they need love too).