18 'Blue Pill Or Red Pill Memes' For All The Decisions In Life

The blue pill / red pill meme format shows us that despite there being two vastly different choices, one funny or wholesome choice will always prevail. It's been a staple of our daily meme consumption since The Matrix came out. In it, Neo is given a choice that will forever shape his reality: choose the blue pill or the red pill. Ever since, we've been putting ourselves in the place of Neo, even if that involves picking hundreds of red pills in our memes.
You don't have to be a fan of The Matrix to understand these memes, since the concept of latching onto one option in an overeager manner is one that's not hard to relate to. Some of the memes have some controversial topics, but people gladly share their enthusiasm on each one with a giant pile of red pills. Do you agree with the chosen options from these memes? Check out the following 18 memes that utilize the popular template in a new way.
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