Two "Comedy Cemetery" memes from the following collection.

18 'Comedy Cemetery' Memes That Are So Bad They're Actually Funny

Most of us know that Reddit has some great content, but it can also be a bit of a cesspool (more than a bit, really). Some of its memes are worse than others, just like any other site. Rarely, however, there are some that are so bad we have to shake our heads while laughing quietly to ourselves. The creators of these memes might not've been the best comedians out there, and even if they forged these with the knowledge that they were too defective to ever make someone laugh, sometimes they wind up hitting your funny bone anyhow.

These are the types of memes that arrive in what's become known as the "Comedy Cemetery," where they're doomed to be mocked or poked fun at because we somehow love bad content (in a very different way, of course). Now, for your viewing displeasure, we've resurrected them for you to cringe or laugh at โ€ฆ nobody's judging.

Very Real Fake Texts

Hi, who is this? Aaron changed all of my contacts to mythical creatures. What's mine? Dwart HE'S SO MEAN IM NOT THAT SHORT! Oh hi dan Dan Aaron This guy

(Source: Reddit)

Look How Moldy This Is

Homework? Yes No No Do you want to do it? MINECRAFT Yes No you don't

(Source: Reddit)

Just Wow

Informative Diaries ยท Follow Answered by Ava Willson Wed What are the happiest pictures you have seen? Me: My friend over there thinks you're cute The girl: ew! My friend: *visible sadness* Me: I know right! He hasn't got any taste Me: My friend: 4 2.5K O 2 D 5 00

(Source: Reddit)

This Meme Won't Make You Laugh

Laughing is the best medicine But if you're laughing for no reason, you need medicine krack_troll_page

(Source: Reddit)


So ? Thanos, John Wick sutvived the snap super. marvel His dog didn't Oh.. Posted in r/marvelmemes O reddit

(Source: Reddit)

Funniest Thing Ever

ๅฅณ ๅงฆ 'Women' 'Noisy' in Japanese in Japanese WELL PLAYED JAPAN.

(Source: Reddit)

That's Enough Internet for Today

THERE ARE 2 TYPES OF PEOPLE RECOGNIZE HER "Hey, I know her. She's from Animal crossing >:)

(Source: Reddit)


School is POINTLESS. English: We speak it. History: They're dead, get over it. Math: We have calculators. Spanish: We have Dora. Just foe fun

(Source: Reddit)


If she's single it's 1v20, If she's taken it's 1va PP? ??? Work smarter not harder

(Source: Reddit)

Because Only Boys Can See the Color Red

She's just broken. She's not joking. Crying behind her laugh. Boys Girls

(Source: Reddit)

No One Gets It

My friends: Stop your algebra jokes we don't get em. Me: I don't care about your

(Source: Reddit)

We Won

Time Traveller : l'm from future Me : Do they still make TikTok videos? Time traveller : What's TikTok WE WON MR. STARK, WE WON

(Source: Reddit)

Here's Some Casual Sexism

Woman on a road Man in a kitchen

(Source: Reddit)

I Kinda Like This One

The real reason why facebook was down: facebook 164 ON/OFF *click

(Source: Reddit)

Here We Go Again

Other girls: use twitter instagram, tiktok, other cringe social medias Me, a girl, who uses reddit: (Bulbasaur) *Augh* I am Surrounded by idiots. O reddit

(Source: Reddit)

Emojis Bad Haha

Vampire Sunlight ejizziology Superman Kryptonite Reddit made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Tragic Accident

My life hasn't been the same since my accident. What accident? The one where l got my finger stuck in that wedding ring.

(Source: Reddit)

Find a New Joke, Please

WELCOME TO THE GANG, KID! WE'VE GOT STEALIN STEVE MURDERIN MIKE AND Emoji Edward W-WHAT did Emoji Edward do? He posted an emoji on Reddit

(Source: Reddit)

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