
16 Cringeworthy Posts And Messages To Make You Proud Of Your Limited Social Skills

Two cringeworthy images from the following collection.
Two cringeworthy images from the following collection.

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

Not all of us have mastered socialization, however, we can safely say we try. At least, sometimes. You may be an introvert, but at least you didn't do these things. Social awkwardness can't make up for what these people have been up to. But really, it's common sense that stops most of us from posting idiotic things like this on our social media for all to see. Clearly, a handful of us didn't get the memo, and now the rest of us have to suffer the hilariously awkward consequences whenever we scroll through our friends' pages. Some of it's so bad you'll want to cut contact entirely and suddenly understand why Thanos was so okay with eliminating half of the universe for the greater good.

These people were caught by other internet users, found while trying a little too hard, and the results were disastrous. Here are 20 of the best cringe-inducing conversations and social media posts to make you feel a little better about that time the waitress said to enjoy your meal and you replied with "you too."

Nice Try

(Source: u/Ved-dell)

Quite The Treasure

(Source: u/WavyWavy007)

I'm Assuming This Is the Same Guy, Posting the Same Things

(Source: Reddit)

Even Niall Doesn't Think So

(Source: u/Onfour)

Don't Mess With Me!!11!

(Source: Reddit)

Fake Cancer

(Source: Reddit)

Both Cringey and Trashy

(Source: Reddit)

Youth For The Win

(Source: @PeterSchiff)


(Source: Reddit)

Happy To Hear That!

(Source: u/Queazyprism4055)

That Wasn't Supposed To Happen

(Source: @sneakyspamiana)

Is That Clear?

(Source: Reddit)

Another One of These Guys

(Source: Reddit)

"Meant to text my mom, accidentally responded to the woman I'm babysitting for instead."

(Source: Reddit)

Excuse Me?

(Source: Reddit)

A Former Acquaintance with an Odd Question

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: funny, cringe, cursed, facebook, twitter, reddit, text, collections, cringeworthy, cringe comments, cursed comments, internet,