
20 Wholesome Memes For Victims Of April Fools' Day Pranks

Wholesome heckin tony hawkarino memes from the collection.
Wholesome heckin tony hawkarino memes from the collection.

Published March 31, 2021

Published March 31, 2021

Another year, another April Fools' Day come to pass. For those not living in an area that celebrates the day, April Fools' Day is the 1st of April, and it's a day where pranks and jokes are considered more socially acceptable than usual. Now, sometimes, this takes the form of YouTube pranks, meaning it can be a little too over the top, hurting people physically or emotionally. If you had an April Fools' Day prank played on you, don't worry, here are some wholesome memes to make you feel better.

Always Great For Lifting Spirits

(Source: Reddit)

Family Will Support You

(Source: Reddit)

Toe Beanz

(Source: Reddit)

I Love You The Most

(Source: Reddit)

FireFighter Is Cool Tho

(Source: Reddit)

You Already Are

(Source: Reddit)

It Was Fine Buddy

(Source: Reddit)

Smile Through It All

(Source: Reddit)

Nice Try

(Source: Reddit)

What Game He Playin?

(Source: Reddit)

I Love You Mom

(Source: Reddit)

Tried My Best

(Source: Reddit)

Motorcycles Are Cool

(Source: Reddit)

Bear Hugging His Leg

(Source: Reddit)

Best Friends Are A Life Saver

(Source: Reddit)

You Like It Too?

(Source: Reddit)

For Sizza My Lizza

(Source: Reddit)

Happy To Help

(Source: Reddit)

He's A Cool Guy

(Source: Reddit)

Really Rare But Really Satisfying

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: meme, funny, wholesome, sweet, love, prank, april, fools, doggo, pupper, kitty,

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