Wholesome heckin tony hawkarino memes from the collection.

20 Wholesome Memes For Victims Of April Fools' Day Pranks

Another year, another April Fools' Day come to pass. For those not living in an area that celebrates the day, April Fools' Day is the 1st of April, and it's a day where pranks and jokes are considered more socially acceptable than usual. Now, sometimes, this takes the form of YouTube pranks, meaning it can be a little too over the top, hurting people physically or emotionally. If you had an April Fools' Day prank played on you, don't worry, here are some wholesome memes to make you feel better.

Always Great For Lifting Spirits


(Source: Reddit)

Family Will Support You

getting rejected and dumped after coming out my friends and family rallying to love and support me

(Source: Reddit)

Toe Beanz

Beans are coming up nicely this year made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

I Love You The Most

"I love you more!" love you" NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE! made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

FireFighter Is Cool Tho

When you pick a different career from what your family wanted you to be but they're still happy with your decision

(Source: Reddit)

You Already Are

My older brother Me, who wants to be like him

(Source: Reddit)

It Was Fine Buddy


(Source: Reddit)

Smile Through It All

My brain: Just smile Me: Why? My brain: | said we happy today

(Source: Reddit)

Nice Try

When your friends know they can't fix your problems, but they still do what they can to make you feel better.

(Source: Reddit)

What Game He Playin?

(Source: Reddit)

I Love You Mom

My mom 24 year old me when im sad or emotional made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Tried My Best

When your meme dies in new, but it at least made a random stranger laugh Itainit much, but it's honest work

(Source: Reddit)

Motorcycles Are Cool

me at the stop light on a bicycle 0 tip my hat to you. One legend to another u/macrocOsm some dude at the stop light on a motorcycle

(Source: Reddit)

Bear Hugging His Leg

A photo taken in the early 1950s, during a routine military expedition to the Chukchi Peninsula. Shooting a bear does not make you a badass. Feeding a bear while her cub hugs your leg makes you a badass...

(Source: Reddit)

Best Friends Are A Life Saver

Me telling my best friend my honest fears, worries, and anxieties even though I've said it a 1000 times My best friend listening and caring

(Source: Reddit)

You Like It Too?

My face when someone I like takes interest in my hobbies: made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

For Sizza My Lizza

My weird AIMY friends HIMMiriends even weirder humour humour Jokes only we laugh at

(Source: Reddit)

Happy To Help

When you help your stressed-out friend and the next day he's a lot happier

(Source: Reddit)

He's A Cool Guy

The school janitor talking to me to make me feel better Me who got kicked out of the class for talking too much made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Really Rare But Really Satisfying

When you seek help online and someone actually helps you sincerely

(Source: Reddit)

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