22 People Who Have Completely Lost Touch With Reality
The thing about the internet is that it is available to anyone. Which is a good thing in many ways, but also allows for some real crazy people to post their absolutely insane takes on just about anything. While some of these things are opinions, granted crazy ones, some of them are genuinely harmful and concerning. It is odd how open some people are with their thoughts and views online, as if it isn't open to the public. Sites like Facebook are especially bad for this kind of thing. Probably because it is home to much of the older generation, who thrive off of spreading their odd ideas.
Reddit users collect these insane moments posted by crazy people online into a subreddit titled /r/insanepeoplefacebook. While many of these posts are from Facebook, they are not limited to it, and the insanity exists literally everywhere on Twitter / X as well. Here are 22 insane posts that will make you question your own sanity today.