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22 Strange And Mysterious Images With No Context

Two images from r/hmmm
Two images from r/hmmm

Published October 03, 2023

Published October 03, 2023

There are certain things that exist that just raise some unanswerable questions and leave viewers with a strange and unsettling feeling. Generally, these are referred to as cursed images, because they are the images that just seem, well, cursed in a way. There is little to no context surrounding them and rarely is there a way to find out just what exactly is going on. It is all left up to the imagination to give these images a background story and a reason for existing.

Reddit's /r/hmmm features these kinds of photos where there is definitely something happening in them, but what exactly it is is the question. How did these people, pets, or things end up in this situation? And who exactly took this puzzling photo at all? All questions remain unanswered as these images exist as almost a sort of art. Here are 22 strange and bizarre images to wonder about today.

For Who?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Someone Gonna Get That?

(Source: Reddit)

Breakfast in Bed

(Source: Reddit)

Seems Smart

(Source: Reddit)

That's Fire

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta Jump

(Source: Reddit)

Slightly Uncomfortable

(Source: Reddit)

Expecting a Call

(Source: Reddit)

Whatever Works

(Source: Reddit)

Just a Warning

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Bad Accident

(Source: Reddit)

Oh God

(Source: Reddit)

Rather Unsettling

(Source: Reddit)

He Gave Up

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So Peaceful

(Source: Reddit)

That Doesn't Seem Right

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A Different Kind of Gnome

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: hmmm, cursed images, raccoons, cars, cats, animals, collections,

Meme Encyclopedia