Two history memes in the following collection.

23 History Memes For A Study Break

It seems like the past few years haven't been very good, and compared to the rest of modern history, yeah, they're still pretty bad — 2021 has been pretty bad. From virus variants to the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, we almost wish we were living a hundred years ago… 2024 update: wow! Things got much worse. Who needs the present when you can pretend the past is the most important time? Maybe we can dissociate from this mistake of a year. Or from the past decade, honestly.

When things are getting tough in the modern day (and they do seem to be getting tougher all the time), we can distract ourselves from the pain in a relatively healthy way. Even though it's still rather weird, we love making history memes that our AP history teachers from high school would unenthusiastically approve of. Here are some of the best ones to help you dissociate from the present.

Sorry Afghanistan

Crime documentaries be like: Afghanistan had giant Buddha statues Until they didn't

(Source: Reddit)

They Really Were Not Nice To Him

Alan Turing Being a hero who The Empire shall- helped breaking know you for. German.ciphers? Alan Turing Being the father of theoretical computer science? Alan Turing Being gay

(Source: Reddit)

And Thus the Drama Continues

Wales So where do l fit into the flag of Great Britain? That's the neat part. You don't.

(Source: Reddit)

Is Monty Python History?

(Source: Reddit)

Peaceful Nukes

(Source: Reddit)

Turning Red

(Source: Reddit)

The Trees Speak Vietnamese

(Source: Reddit)

Evolution of Sparta

(Source: Reddit)

Marrying Henry VIII

Why would a fly land on something like this? Rats should be ashamed for falling in this trap BEARS! This is ridiculous!

(Source: Reddit)


Ah! Nice to Hi! my name is William meet you, William Say Wilhelm, wanna hear something about the German-East-Africa William FRIENDS FAMILY KNOWLEDGE campaign OF WW1

(Source: Reddit)

Just a Casual Trip to Constantinople

I'm learning Russian so I can trade recipes with my babushka. RosettaStone I'm learning Spanish so I can communicate better with my coworkers. RosettaStone I'm learning Greek. I can go to Constantinople for... ..a thing. RosettaStone

(Source: Reddit)

They Needed to Think of More Creative Names

Historians The number of Treaties of Paris" throughout history

(Source: Reddit)

Hannibal Barca

Bad history documentaries explaining how Hannibal Anyone who knows what North African/ Barca was black because Mediterranean people he was from Africa look like SON

(Source: Reddit)

They Played the Long Game

(Source: Reddit)


You will be remembered forMISO Helping the allies win WW1? Winning the Hungarian- Romanian war of 1919? Dracula and Transylvania made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Accidental Allies

Iran and the United States after realising their both supporting the Afghan mujahideen's fight against the Republic of Afghanistan:

(Source: Reddit)

They Weren't Expecting That

Persia: Please stop financing revolutions in our country. Greece: Why don't you come over here and make us? Persia: ...OK. CANLI TRT TUR EL Athens Sparta O TUR STE TUR Etreria TEL

(Source: Reddit)

A New Superpower

Aww, cute little America's trying to gain their independence. How cute! Do you want some weapons? Aww, cute little France's trying to regain their former colony. How cute! Do you want some weapons?

(Source: Reddit)

2000 Yards and Tilting Up

Germans on D-Day: If we retreat farther inland, then the Allies can't hit us! The captain of the USS Texas: FIRE! THINK I'm gonna do what's called a pro-gamer move.

(Source: Reddit)

Chiang Kai Shek and the KMT

When you are pretty much the single reason Imperial Japan didn't conquer all of Eastern Asia in WW2 but afterward you get exiled to Taiwan This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever

(Source: Reddit)

The Case of the Missing Male Heir

Crime documentaries be like: Anne Boleyn was happily married Until she wasn't

(Source: Reddit)


You're exiled You decide to on the island of Elba return to France The soldiers join your cause and you march into Paris unopposed

(Source: Reddit)

Reagan Must Have Failed Geography in School

Ronald Reagan labeling Muammar Gaddafi "the Mad Dog of the Middle East" despite Libya sitting firmly in North Africa: 380000 BET He a little confused, but he got the spirit.

(Source: Reddit)

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