25 Relatable Memes Anyone Can Agree With

There is a certain kind of meme that speaks to the heart and soul a little more directly than most memes do. Relatable memes are the kinds of memes that are tailored to present a specific kind of situation, feeling or emotion that is commonly experienced by many people. They are a way to connect with the rest of the internet in a very real way. It is a way to show that everyone truly is living the same life, relatively. Relatable memes can also be images and memes that are just super agreeable. Ones that you see and think, "Yeah, true." They're entertaining and easy to share, making them a popular meme genre.
Reddit's /r/meirl is the subreddit for all of the most relatable memes. "Me IRL" stands for "me, in real life," which is basically just a way to express when things online mirror things offline. Here are 25 relatable memes to share with all your friends today.