24 Unusual, Ugly And Upsetting Meals
Being a responsible adult comes with one very difficult task — making your own meals every day. We've all had our fair share of very unsatisfying and likely equally unhealthy meals in our times. They can't all be winners, unfortunately, and besides, we aren't all trained chefs. Whether something needs to be made out of pure desperation or it simply goes horribly wrong in the cooking process, there are times when your food will come out looking entirely inedible, resulting in what makes up Reddit's food communities.
This subreddit collects images of the most heinous-looking meals. Sometimes they're posted by the very person who made it in a self-shaming sort of way, and other times they are pulled from some other ungodly place for everyone to cringe at. Here are 24 pictures so bad they will make you grateful for whatever you had to eat today.