Two history memes in the following collection.

Get Your Weekly Dose Of So-Called 'Learning' With These 19 History Memes

Do you have homework? Are you doing everything possible to avoid it, even to the point where procrastination is far more work than actually doing the things you were assigned? We understand you. After all, it's people like you who keep us employed. We're not here to shame you for not doing what you're supposed to be doing right now, especially because you've chosen this article, which is probably one of the least terrible ways to spend your online time, since it's technically educational. You might not learn much, but hey, it counts as studying, because everything in this article is based on real historical facts that you may or may not have known already.

History memes are the perfect middle ground between browsing the internet lazily and actually doing your homework. At the very least, they can help you feel a bit less guilty about doing nothing today. Here are some great memes about the world's very confusing, yet entertaining past.

Liberty Ships

Remember guys, if you produce more ships than the enemy can make torpedoes you can win the war Until next time guys

(Source: Reddit)

Bye Guys

Nobody- DB Cooper after hijacking a plane and demanding $200,000 in $20 bills- EXIT IGHT IMA HEAD OUT

(Source: Reddit)

Any Ideas?

I am the Oracle. I can answer any question you ask. What caused the Bronze Age collapse? Any question but that.

(Source: Reddit)


Rasputin: *tells doctors to stop giving Alexei aspirin since it's a blood-thinner* Nicholas ll: What kind of magical Bulls t is this?

(Source: Reddit)

The Better Way


(Source: Reddit)

Nice Try

I'm going back in time to teach the ancient Egyptians how to play bowling we already know.

(Source: Reddit)

You've Been Warned

The United Fruit Company every time a South American government starts talking about land redistribution or worker's rights:

(Source: Reddit)

Chad Caliphate

Roman Conquests After 500 Years Muslim and Umayyads Caliphate Conquests After Only 60 Years

(Source: Reddit)

Known as the Poster Child of Excessive Lawsuits

Stella Liebeck: suffers third degree burns due to excessively hot coffee, sues McDonald's for $20,000 to cover medical expenses The American media: You're just looking for attention.

(Source: Reddit)

He Blasted Himself into Oblivion with 47 Rockets

Yuri Gagarin: Is called the first man in space Wan Hu: Pathetic. made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Neckbeard and Fedora Energy

Sophia Augusta Frederica- I can't believe l'm going to marry the heir to the Russian Throne and become an Empress someday! I wonder what my husband will be like... Peter III of Russia- TAF JAF Hello. I am a pathetic man-child.

(Source: Reddit)

A for Effort

Russian 2nd Pacific Sqaudron on their way to fight Japan Firing on British fishermen One ship gets boarded by snakes and Crocodiles Hitting their own ships during a firing excersise

(Source: Reddit)

Well That Was a Waste of Time

You build a fortress in Saint Petersburg for protection incase of a Swedish counterattack The Swedes are too weak and they never attack back

(Source: Reddit)

The Good Old Days

FUNNYEDIE Harry is adjusting great to America. ç±³ NZ

(Source: Reddit)

Here's That Joke Again

The Holy Roman Empire wasn't Holy... BO0o! GET BETTER MATERIAL! Nor was it Roman. made with mematic FALSEKNEES.COM@2016

(Source: Reddit)

Nuclear Weapons Testing

When you suspect your enemy has nukes so you bomb yourself before he can

(Source: Reddit)

Nobody Expects It

MY KIDNAPPERS RETURNING ME BACK after listening to me talk about the Inquisition(s) for 2 hours

(Source: Reddit)

Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?

The U.S in 1946: * bombs the ever loving st out of the Bikini Atoll* Stephen Hillenberg, 50 years later: you could make a religion out of this!

(Source: Reddit)

The List Goes On and On

Historical figure when you're a That same figure when you're an kid adult made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

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