Long Live Greg Peppers, The Quarantine Everyman
One of the downsides of social distancing during the Coronavirus pandemic is that people have started doing the Your Name Game (obviously it isn't the biggest downside, but it's a downside nonetheless). For those unfamiliar, the "Your Name Game" is a variation on the snowclone "Your (situation) name is the (x) and the (y)." In the time of the Coronavirus, that will look like this:
Your quarantine nickname is how you feel right now + the last thing you ate. My name is Sick Bat.
— Gibran Saleem (@GibranSaleem) March 31, 2020
This joke is usually never that funny or interesting, and people were not having it this time around.
your quarantine name is the last thing you ate and no one gives a fucking shit we’re in hell
— Sarah Beattie (@nachosarah) March 30, 2020
However, one tweeter somehow defied the odds and managed to make the joke funny. That would be @lunch_enjoyer.
your covid-19 name is Greg Peppers. Comment below what your Covid-19 name is
— Patrick (@lunch_enjoyer) March 31, 2020
And thus was born "Greg Peppers," a joke name that somehow managed to trend on Twitter over the past few days.
my covid-19 name is greg peppers
— 💰TRILLIONAIRE💰 (@maltyhops) March 31, 2020
mine is Greg Peppers
— inside man (@bobby) March 31, 2020
Greg Peppers. Comment below what your Covid-19 name is
— ihavetocoughbrb (@Sec0ndChoice) April 2, 2020
While @lunch_enjoyer's initial joke was solid, the meme soon took a wild turn as people began writing about the history of Greg Peppers.
I once saw Greg Peppers in the back of a movie theatre: cranking his fat hog; fucking the hole in the bottom of a popcorn bag, using the melted butter like dollar store lube. He shot ropes like I'd never seen. Perhaps, in this trying time, we are all Greg Peppers.
— 引きこもり𝖍𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖞 (@HOSTAGEKILLER) April 1, 2020
So funny to see Greg peppers getting all of this attention in 2020, saw him play in a basement in 07 with a crowd of like 3 dudes
— gymnastics metropolis (@ihatepsychrock) March 31, 2020
my father Greg Peppers Sr is in the hospital in critical condition after an anvil fell on his head last night. doctors say he's gonna live but unless they can reinflate him with a bicycle pump he's gonna be 2 inches tall and flat like a pancake forever
— kt 🦍 (@isbappin) March 31, 2020
Oh man. I remember Greg Peppers. One time when I was in high school he sold me a gram of some “dank ass weed” for $25. Turns out it was just one long blade of grass.It was the best shit I ever smoked.
— The degrowth maniac (@Good_Guy69) April 1, 2020
Mostly, people were confused about what the hell was happening.
Someone please tell me who the fuck is Greg peppers and why are all you fuckers talking about him. Thank you.
— FUCC BROTHER (@dickpounder) March 31, 2020
Who the fuck is Greg Peppers?
— Trevor Tocco (@ToccoTrevor) April 1, 2020
In this moment, I swear we were Greg Peppers.
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