25 Elders Attempting To Use The Internet
Hey, at least they are trying to get with the times.
8 Viral Videos To Show Your Representatives Why TikTok Shouldn't (Or Should) Be Banned In The U.S.
As speculation about a possible ban on TikTok grows, users on X / Twitter are commemorating some of the best TikTok videos of all time.
22 Bizarre Items Anyone Can Actually Buy Right Now
Why would anyone need these things?
14 Memes Taken Straight Out Of The Comedy Graveyard
Some memes are totally abysmal, and yet they're still hilarious. Here are a few examples.
15 Memes From The Gutters Of Reddit
Here are a couple of memes that are taken from the best of the worst.
17 Cursed Comments No One Should Have To Read
Think twice before speaking your truth online.
15 Literary Memes For All The Bookworms Out There
For those who love to curl up with a good book.
15 Attempts At Memes From Reddit's 'Special Snowflakes'
15 memes from creators who tried their best, but couldn't make it to /r/dankmemes.
25 Captivating Images You Certainly Won't Like
But they're well worth a look.
22 Surreal Memes To Experience A Reality Unknown To Our World
Hypothetical memes from a future reality, perhaps.
11 Clever Comebacks That Seriously Proved A Point
Coming up with the perfect comeback to someones argument is never an easy task. These people though were lucky enough to come up with just the right thing to say.
25 'Choosing Beggars' Asking For Completely Insane Things
The audacity of some people.