
Meet The 10 Real People Behind Some Of The Most Famous Memes

Two people from famous memes: Hide the Pain Harold and Bad Luck Brian.
Two people from famous memes: Hide the Pain Harold and Bad Luck Brian.

Published June 03, 2022

Published June 03, 2022

These people have gone on to become some of the most famous memes out there. Whether they intended to go viral or not, they've achieved a lot more fame than they expected, and they've been posted countless times as advice animals, exploitable templates and more. From old memes to new memes, these characters have lived on in a manner that feels timeless.

They've become so easily recognizable in the online community that we often forget there are actual people behind these memes, so today, we've gathered some of the most influential people in the meme world to share their real names, feelings about being a meme, the story behind the images or anything else of note. Now, you can learn tons of trivia facts about these popular memes that have withstood years of reposts, because who wouldn't want to know more about why Bad Luck Brian looks so miserable, or what happened to Scumbag Steve after he was made into a meme? Find out here with some unexpected meme facts.

Side Eye Chloe

Almost Politically Correct Redneck

Overly Attached Girlfriend

PTSD Clarinet Boy

Scumbag Steve

Disaster Girl


Distracted Boyfriend

Bad Luck Brian

Hide The Pain Harold

Tags: memes, advice animals, gigachad, distracted boyfriend, hide the pain harold, side eyeing chloe, overly attached girlfriend, almost politically correct redneck, bad luck brian, scumbag steve, ptsd clarinet boy, disaster girl, collections, meme facts,