
Top TV Memes: The Best Formats From 'Phineas And Ferb'

Two memes from _Phineas and Ferb_ in the following collection.
Two memes from _Phineas and Ferb_ in the following collection.

Published December 14, 2021

Published December 14, 2021

Growing up, every Gen-Z kid was devoted to one of two shows: SpongeBob SquarePants or Phineas and Ferb. And while Phineas and Ferb isn't quite the timeless classic we all still view SpongeBob as, it's still left a lasting stain on our collective sense of humor. As we've grown up, we've moved on to dark conspiracy theories about the show, and we're pretty sure that Doofenshmirtz is actually Phineas is biological father. Some shows get better with age. Phineas and Ferb just gets more disturbing.

If you can get over eyeless Phineas or the thought of what these characters look like when facing forward, there's still something compelling about this children show when it comes to meme potential. From dozens of different memes about Perry the Platypus to screenshots from the classic opening sequence, Phineas and Ferb has lived on well into our adulthood. This is where some of the most notable memes have come from.

In this episode, there's a bunch of clips of musical numbers from the show, but that's not what we care about here, or would anyone cares about, for that matter. In this episode, Doofenshmirtz gets up to another one of his pathetic attempts to build an army that will somehow fill the void left by his daddy issues. He does this by making the audience of the show watch a recording, which he describes as “scientifically created to get stuck in your head forever.” And in a way, he was right, because no one who's ever seen the show can forget that shrill, high pitched, unbelievably annoying tune. The lyrics are simply “My name is Doof and you'll do what I say,” followed by whooping noises and random high pitched background sounds that Doofenshmirtz adds in to annoy every parent within 20 feet off the TV.

It's obvious why this became a meme, and it exists in countless reincarnations, from deep fried videos to German translations to 10-hour-long compilations of the same sentence over and over again. If you like to be annoyed, or simply to annoy others, this is the perfect meme for you. This explains why this is one of the show's most popular memes, since irritating sounds are one of the internet's favorite things. But as for the rest of the episode, don't bother looking, since it's one of those repeat episodes that pops up whenever a writer gets too stressed out and needs an unpaid vacation.

Most Meme Potential: Season 1, Episode 1: "Rollercoaster"

Yes, this is the very first episode. There's four seasons of content to pull from, but it's obvious why this episode is the one that made some great memes. The first episode of any series is never its best. There's something oddly unsettling about this pilot episode, which tends to happen when animators and voiceover artists are tasked with creating a series from scratch. But there's one point in the episode that goes far beyond the normal level of weird.

Candace, while sitting in the car with her mom, witnesses her brothers launch themselves through the air. She begins cackling to herself and blinking erratically, and after a long moment that feels like watching the end shot of Norman Bates in Psycho, Candace’s mother says, “I worry about you sometimes, Candace.” It's since gone on to become a meme format, but it never really reached a peak in popularity and hasn't turned up in many new memes lately. The potential of this strange moment is under appreciated, and so is every uncomfortable aspect of this introductory episode, since at times it's like a twisted and surreal version of the show we know and love.

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Tags: phineas and ferb, phineas, ferb, perry the platypus, candice, funny, tv, kids, popular, wholesome memes, memes, disney, cartoon, collections,

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