2 memes about the Starship Troopers movie.

Would You Like To Know More? Then Check Out These 15 'Starship Troopers' Memes

Paul Verhoeven's galaxy-brain alien war movie Starship Troopers is a lot smarter than it first seems. It's a vision of the future that becomes more accurate every day, though we still have a while before the giant enemy bugs take over. And since we all love sci-fi movies, especially when it comes to online humor, there's a surprising amount of content floating around out there involving this somewhat niche movie that certainly deserves a lot more attention than it's gotten over the years.

In the meantime, if you want some pointers for how to deal with a more human kind of perpetual, grisly war, we have some memes to keep you laughing the whole time. Because while the world is always in turmoil, we can still find a way to distract ourselves through memes, especially ones about movies that don't get the credit they deserve in the meme world. Here are some of our favorites.

The Future Awaits

My parents in their 30s: Good thing we became citizens during peacetimē war sounds scary Me in my 30s: I still hear the screams of my squad mates on Klendathu

(Source: Facebook)

War Never Changes


(Source: Facebook)

Prepare For Battle

LIGHTYEAN OD0 I always get nervous B before a drop. BUZZ CHIYLAW ITEAV CUZZ BUZZ

(Source: Facebook)

Where Boys Become Men

l'll put it on the list. Drink when mentioned Citizen/citizenship Service Zim is proven best Everyone fights, no one quits We get you sir Would you like to know more Propaganda Finish drink or induce alcohol poisoning COME ON YOU APES, DO YOU WANNA LIVE FOR EVER

(Source: Facebook)

Just When I Thought I Was Out

The 2,500 troops leaving Afghanistan. The 7,000 going back in.

(Source: Facebook)

Future War Means Future Weapons

MI weapons at the beginning of the movie MI weapons at the end of the movie

(Source: Facebook)

Hostile Territory

Breckenridge! Get • Why? the f kis your mask on! going to happen? 410 Delta.. 71611

(Source: Facebook)

Battle Strategy

Why were they even fighting on the bug planets instead of nuking them from orbit? they were already wastelands with no real value Wow, I can't find a flaw in his logic

(Source: Facebook)

Scare Tactics

What the brain bug said after seeing Rico's nuke: Osean spee F k, it's so big.

(Source: Facebook)

Tactical Retreat

*Brain bug being scurried out of the explosion of a nuke* Pvt. Zim:

(Source: Facebook)

Fighting For A Righteous Cause

Stop giving me your toughest battles I literally just removed a few items from the Taco Bell menu NA CHIC DON'T LET THE FLAME DIE OUT!

(Source: Facebook)

The Principles Of War

Nothing of value is given. -people going to prison-

(Source: Facebook)

The Old Ways Are Strong

Having extremely durable and sharp claws Throwing a knife

(Source: Facebook)

They'll Keep Fighting…

Wanted to go to Heaven What if You But god said WHO HERE THINKS THEY GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO KNOCK ME DOWN?

(Source: Facebook)

…And They'll Win

ZAOOPERS2 Bere D he federalise They're coming back to wipe us out! Let's go, in and out. 92 minute Arachnid killing adventure adult swim)

(Source: Facebook)

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