How To Create Your Own Spotify Festival? A Simple Guide To Instafest
So you have seen all those fake music festival posters on you're timeline and want to know how to create one of your own? Making a poster with Instafest is easier than you can imagine.
Step One: Listen to Music on Spotify or
(Skip to step two if you are using Spotify or already)
To use Instafest, you have to use Spotify or for at least some time for the app to be able to gather and analyze your data. If you have using another streaming service, listen to your favorite artists Spotify or for at least for a few days so that the website has some data to use.
Step Two: Sign In on Instafest
Open On the website, sign in with the service you have been using: Spotify or
Step Three: Customize Your Festival Poster
Once you've signed in, the app will automatically generate a music festival poster based on your listening history. On the page, you will be able to customize your poster by tweaking a number of parameters:
- Data sample period: you choose to include your top artists from the past four weeks, six months or all-time. This will affect the artist list for each of the days as well as the festival headliners.
- Poster style: there are three poster styles available, "Malibu Sunrise," "LA Twilight" and "Mojave Dusk."
- Hide your username and basic score: by default, the name of your festival will be [Your username]fest. You may choose not to display your username: in this case, your festival will be called simply "Instafest." You may also choose the poster to display the "basic score" of your festival, which is a rating based on how niche your music taste is.
Step Four: Save and Share
Once you are done customizing your poster, press the "Save and Share" button. Now you can download the poster as an image file or share it directly to social media.
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