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What Are The Rumors About Barron Trump's Supposed Behavioral Issues? Accusations Of Donald Trump's Son Allegedly 'Slapping' His Nanny And Killing Animals Explained

Barron Trump Behavioral Issues controversy explained.
Barron Trump Behavioral Issues controversy explained.

Published August 16, 2024

Published August 16, 2024

A man claiming to be a behavioral specialist and nanny from New York has levied a series of allegations against Barron Trump, Donald Trump's youngest son.

The man, who goes by @WonderKing82 (aka Mr. Weeks on X / Twitter), has been highlighting Barron Trump's numerous alleged behavioral issues, from supposedly seeing him slap his nanny in Central Park to sharing about his purported history of killing animals as a child.

But further investigation into Mr. Weeks by skeptics seems to reveal a different truth. One X user's attempts to find a behavioral therapy license or a daycare center owned by "Dane Weeks" failed, even as Mr. Weeks' claims about Barron Trump grew wilder with each post in recent days.

Here's a recap of all the rumors about Barron Trump as shared by @WonderKing82 on X and why they're stirring up discourse online.

Who Is Mr. Weeks On X, And What Are His Claims About Barron Trump?

Mr. Weeks is a self-professed nanny and behavioral therapist who claims to work with young kids in New York City. Back in June 2022, @WonderKing82 posted a photo of him posing with various young kids in Central Park, one of whom was a young Barron Trump, who was in 4th grade in 2017, which is when the photo was taken.

Two years later, on August 13th, 2024, Mr. Weeks quoted a photo of Barron Trump, his father Donald Trump, and his friend Bo Loudon, writing, "Hahaha, I literally saw Barron slap the fuck out of his nanny in Central Park after school."

This wasn't the first time Mr. Weeks had made such a claim. He shared a similar post in May 2024 as well.

In the following days, Mr. Weeks would go on to make several more accusations about Barron Trump, saying that he has purportedly killed "2 birds, 3 rabbits, and 1 dog." Weeks also claimed that Barron Trump had been accused of allegedly "touching other boys" at sleepovers and that he once attacked his father Donald Trump at a Christmas show.

Are The Accusations Against Barron Trump Of Slapping His Nanny And Hurting Animals True?

While Mr. Weeks claims to have gathered the aforementioned information about Barron Trump through his work as a nanny and behavioral therapist in New York, some internet users called his claims into question after failing to track down his behavioral therapy license.

X user @SarahisCensored made a post on August 15th trying to debunk Mr. Weeks' claims about being a behavioral therapist and owning and running a daycare. The user claimed to have called the NYC Board for Mental Health to ask about Mr. Weeks' behavioral therapy license, with the office supposedly having no records of "Dane C. Weeks."

@SarahisCensored continued to question Mr. Weeks' credentials for working with children and calling himself a behavioral therapist and also highlighted tweets supposedly made by Mr. Weeks on a now-suspended X account, including one in which he said, "Hitler did some amazing things too."

However, Mr. Weeks responded to SarahisCensored's post by sharing a purported mugshot of her, gathering over 39,000 likes in a day as the controversy continues to spark discussions online.

For the full history of Barron Trump's Behavioral Issues Rumors, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

Tags: barron trump, behaviour, nanny, puppy, issues, barron trump slapped his nanny, barron trump puppy, pet, mr weeks, wonderking82, rumors, barron trump controversy, donald trump son, allegations, explained, explainer,

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